May 11, 2010
New Promotion:
Dazzle Dollars- For a customer from May 29-June 30th. For every 75.00 they spend, they can get one item for 10.00 (excluding watches).
see Premier Site for details.
Purse Night:
Starting next month- starting at 6pm, bring your prospects for Purse Night before 6:30pm Training.
Jewelry Combos:
Coral Necklace with Gold Infusion Framed-
Coral Necklace with Gold Infusion mixed
Cabo and Coral mixed for bright colors
Cabo with Pizza and framed with promonade Necklace
Cabo with Promonade cliped to mix together.
Embers Pendent with promonade necklace with clip-it
Runway: Long, Doubled, Belted, use clip-it to make a choker (See website with alternative ways)
Cool Waters Necklace with patina mixed
Cool Waters framed with Eugenia Necklace
Cool Waters mixed with Eugenia and a clip-it
Patina bracelet, cool waters bracelet, mod bracelet
Firecracker Necklace framed with Runway
Firecracker mixed with Runway
Flirty bracelets with Firecracker bracelets
Scarves: (Buy cheaply at the Incentive Store) Sell for 5.00 each or use as giveaways for the show.
Use as a a "choker" and put pendents on it (Hidden Treasures, Night Life Pendent, Stylin' Pendent.
Midnight Blue Necklace with Scottsdale Pendent
Into the Wild with Embers Pendent with Pebbles Bracelet
Sandstone with Night Life Pendent and with Sandstone Bracelet
Booking Activity: By Jen Holden
Booking with Boxes
Bag with boxes in it- Ask Jennifer Holden if you want the script.
Ask for a volunteer. We're going to pretend that Holly had a jewelry show. We had such a great time, didn't we?
Pretend that Holly had an average show of 500.00.
Our hostesses get 30% of their total retail in FREE Jewelry, which is 150.00. (Give her five boxes to represent five items)
Next Holly got 8 items of half- priced items. She did some Christmas shopping, and got all 8).
Show Date- 25.00 in Free Jewelry
100.00 In Presales- 25.00 in Free Jewelry
10 Guests- 25.00 In Free Jewelry
Three Bookings- 25.00 in Free Jewelry
Make her hold all boxes to show how much she will get for having the show.
Ask EVERY single person, "When they will have their home show." NOT "Do you want to have a homeshow?"
Sponsoring: By Rachel Lantz
-Make the decision that you WILL build the business. No matter what.
-Be intentional. Go when you're sick, when you're tired, and when you're nervous.
Two Handouts: See email from Maria sent 5.11.10
40 Day Prayer Challenge- Pray specifically for...
In a month an a half- Rachel has sponsored FIVE ladies!!!
Start your sponsoring at Hostess Coaching. Sit down with them (coffee shop, house, etc.) and give them the Now Is the Time
Brochure and your First/Last Ten Homeshows.
Go through fun stuff hostess will get for doing a show, then say, "I know you may not be looking for this, but if I can tell
you about Premier, for someone who might need another 500.00 a month."
Everyone needs extra money. It's your "in."
Flip through the brochure and touch on each thing. Do not read through it word for word.
Invite them to the Purse Night to follow up. Take your best purse to show them what they can get for coming.
Come to Purse Night and bring a friend for support and fun. Each will get a purse!
When you make your check-in calls with your hostess, always say something positive about Premier. (For example, "I love my job!"
"I get to work in my PJ's!" "This company is so good to me!"
At the Shows:
-Use the Quantum Leap game as the Ice Breaker- Fun and Informational
Set Up:
Keep it simple- show them how easy it is to do this job!
If you're carrying too many things, you will deter people who are interested.
NEVER make more than two trips to the car.
Less is More
During the Show:
Spinkle sayings throughout your show of how great Premier is.
-Take things that intemmidated you when you started, and take those issues away for others (Such as a flipchart.)
-Forget something, and say, "I love that I'm my own boss, and I can only get in trouble with myself."
-"I don't have to take fashion classes, I just watch What Not to Wear."
-"I love that I don't have to know the names of these peices, as they all have tags that I read!"
-"If you can read and flip a chart, you can do my job!"
Either Use:
The Ask It- Basket
The 50, Calendar, Charge Cards, Family Photo
Tell Your Own Premier Story
HINT: If you have a room full of people who are talking, lower your voice, and people will get quiet and actually listen.
"You've watched me and seen what I've done. If you are even the least bit curious, you owe it to yourself and your family
to check this out. You will not find this job on the internet, or in the newspaper. You have to be purposely invited into
this company."
Then tell about Purse Night.
-Give out information about Purse Night with your Last/First Ten Shows on the back.
Check Out:
Get bookings and sponsoring at check out.
Always look at their Guest Survey. Say, "You didn't mark anything for Purse Night. Did you want a new purse?"
-Shake your head yes and WAIT for them to answer.
-Be prepared to respond to their "no" answer with a supportive response.
-Write a thank you card for their time and effort.
Follow Up-
Call them the next day and then call the day before to remind them.
-Send a card as a thank you and follow up.
Closing Out Show:
Use the Close Out Sheet to show her what she's getting, how much was sold, how much half-price she earned, and how much I made for her to see for the night, and then divided into hourly wages of how much we made.
At that point, remind hostess of Purse Night, and then ask her if she would like to chat further at a later time.
File their information in an OPEN Opportunity Presentation Folder:
-Every few weeks, contact those ladies in the Open OP Folder to follow up.
-Keep asking, "Is it OK to call you when our next Purse Night comes up."
-Send copies of our newsletter to those who are interested to show them how successful people are in Premier.
-Invite them to monthly trainings.
-Tell them about Rally.
-Don't give up on them and pray!
Number ONE thing that keeps people out of Premier:
Money should never keep them out of Premier.
-Give them the profits from their homeshow to them for their start up fee.
(set it aside)
-Give them the 200.00 that Premier gives us when the New Jeweler signs up.
-Hold three homeshows with them, and hold the profit until they get the 395.00.
-Lend Jewelers jewelry until they get enough for their own table.
-Have a garage sale with them.
-Ask 8 friends for 100.00 and relpay them back, they will be paid back the night of the show!
(And you get 8 bookings on her calendar!)
-Sell items they don't need.
Postive Thinking:
-Positive Thinking: Make the Jeweler File for that person.
-Invision your future commission checks.
"Wouldn't it be great if this was the last time you had to ask your friends or parents for money?"
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
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