Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bookings: Call Three Friends and Use this Verbage

"Hey______! It's ________. I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time.

I won't keep you for a minute, but I have a huge favor to ask you. I really need your help. I am stating a new business to make extra money (and tell why you are doing Premier.) Have you heard of Premier Designs Jewelry? We'll now, I'm a Premier Jewelry Lady. This jewelry is beautiful, plus it has a guarantee. Here is what I really need your help with. I need two friends tha will help me in my first week.

(Then you will move onto filling your second, third, and fourth weeks.)

All that means is that you will allow me to comet o your house, lay out my jewelry on your kitchen table, and invite a few friends over. (Pause and let her answer.)

I will be able to give you so much free jewelry for helping me, as the adverage hostess gets 100.00 to 300.00 in FREE jewelry. It is really no big deal.

If they say YES...
- Get a date right away. Don't hang up without one on your calendar. If she will not commit immediately, at least have a tentative date.

(Why? People are busy. If you don't have them commit to a date and time while they are excited and willing to help, they will later forget about it. Plus, they are more apt to change their mind and you might not ever get them on the phone again. Seize the moment!)

Plan B:- If they say No...
-Ask if they would be willing to pass the catalog around and see if friends and family members might want to place an order. You can still get them free jewelry if they help you out.

(Why: This will at least give you new business and new contacts as we will work to eventually flip this catalog show into an actually homeshow. Note: You will want to get them a hostess packet immediately and allow 10-14 days for them to work on it. Again, you mustkeep the excitement going by keeping up with her weekly.)

You are able to give her 20% of her total sales in free jewelry and one item at half price. She must have 100.00 in sales for the show to qualify.

-Whether or not you get a booking, offer this:
Give them 25.00 in FREE jewelry for anyone they personally get to hold a show with you in the next 30 days.
(Why? They may know others who would love to do a show or have had shows in the past. That 25.00 is a great incentive to get them on the phone and working for you. This is called Newtworking, and it works!

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