Saturday, January 30, 2010

Andy Horner- Co-Founder and CSO of Premier

Andy Horner- Co-Founder and CSO of Premier

When we founded Premier, we wanted it to be different than any other homeshow business. We wanted it to be a family affair. We celebrate those men who are in Premier, as your support makes this business a family affair.

How do you get your husband involved in Premier? Do really well and move up in the business, buy a boat, and name it Premier! Money will change the attitude of men. :) (Laugh)

Premier was meant to be a family event.

Joan and I have the honor to be with you tonight. Don’t ever worry about being like me, we want you to be you. You be you, and it will be the perfect business for you.

We do want you to know that we are here to serve you, care for you, and to help you build a life.
We care enough that we have high expectations for you.

A- Always remember who you are! You are unique and very special! God loves you and so do we!

We love you the way you are and know the amazing person you can be. This business is more than selling products, and we want you to earn lots of money, but money will not satisfy you. God did not create junk. You are someone and somebody very, very special. Don’t wish your life away, by wishing to be someone else. You are special and unique and no one else is just like you. Decisions you make in your life, for example, I couldn’t do this business isn’t true. You CAN do this and so much more! Enrich and serve in other people’s lives. Love people who have never been loved and forgive people who have never been forgive. No one can take this worth away from you.

B- What you believe determines your attitude, which determines your actions. And your attitude is more important than facts. One person with a belief, is worth 100 people with just an interest. Belief brings attitude, and from that, comes actions, which is worth more than facts. If you don’t believe in Premier, please don’t share it, because you will find confidence in this company.

It is work, and a job, so there will be problems. But if you keep your focus on GOD, then your attitude will be more important than facts. Whatever you believe, will come out of your attitude.

When Premier started, Joan and Andy had to gain our trust, as so many homeshows businesses were not trustworthy.

Always remember to believe and out of that belief will come your attitude.

E-Emotions: Happiness is a choice.
Joy, sorrow, hate, love, confidence, fear. Everyone has emotions. “Fear can be overcome, but regret is forever.”- Andy
Don’t let your life be built on feelings, as they will put fear into you, and you CAN do it! When you talk to people, share what it has done for me! (Friendship, own your own business, etc.)

I-Integrity is truth. Truth will always prevail and will always win. You cannot be successful without it. Integrity is a must for long term success.

N-Needs- People have needs. The secret is to meet their needs and they will meet yours. You can’t do anything for anybody that in return won’t do something for you.
With Premier, they can belong, and make money on top of that! If you will meet the needs of people, you will be blessed.

You are Premier, and you might be the only Premier a person meets. Reflect the integrity and truth that Premier holds. Meet their needs with integrity and pride. Work the business for your downline, and they will work the business for you. Meet one another’s needs.

Problems- Problems can be stepping stones or stumbling block. Problems build patience which will build character. They help us to trust in God more.

The bigger the house of your hostesses, the lonelier they might be. The richer they are, the more they might need you.

Every problem you have, the more opportunities you have to serve and show you love that person.

When you get a problem, use it as an opportunity to build that relationship.
Through problems we have, the stronger we get. The bigger the problem, and the greater the need, the more we have the chance to learn and grow!

Even in the midst of crisis-Andy remained silent –he didn’t speak badly about those that stole his business, but prayed for them instead.

“One day at a time, sweet Jesus, that’s all I’m asking of you. Give me the strength to do what I have to do.”-sing this when you are worried or concerned or stressed or scared

Listen to music to help you find joy and peace. God speaks through music.

Focus on the future, so you won’t complain or be negative.

Book of Solomon- God- “I’m the lily of the valley.”
God can be the lily of our valley and we can watch him bloom all the time.
He’ll be our strength, our beauty, and so much more.

T- Thank you for who you are and what you do!

V-Value is more than just a price. It is expressive of who you are. We want to serve you, and you are the most important part of Premier. We are going to help you become what you want to become. We will make you into the beautiful and unique person you are! Don’t build your character and feelings on how your business is. Know that you are worth the same value no matter what your business is.

Tree of Premier:
Roots- Biblical Principals
Green Leaves- The people/Jewelers

You are somebody really special!
Make people feel special! Every person has a sign on them that says, make me feel important. That is our way to serve, is to make people feel important.

Y-Yes, you can!

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