Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Andy Horner's Speech on Joan and Premier- Philly Rally 2011

Regjoicing in Pain that Joan didn't suffer and is with God.
She stopped working only seven days before passing. The perfect number.
God give us people to help us to become who we are to become. (Friends, family, loved ones, even enemies)
"She was more than my wife, she was my wife and my encourager."

WIR: What is right?
WIB: What is Best?

WWR- We will remember.
Remember your Queen.
Remember to Count it all Joy.
Remember to keep it personal.
We will never forget our Queen Mother and what she meant to us and wonderful she was.

40 thousand people in Premier in January 2011.
42 years in direct sales, with Johnson Wax and Home Interiors.
Created Premier to get mom's back in the home.

Reason for Premier:
1.) So many moms have to work, where we want them to be able to stay at home and work in Premier.
This helps moms get back in the home.
25th anniversary- moms are telling him that they can now stay home and are thanking him for Premier.

2.)Single moms and parents saying there is life after divorce and death. Make money and spend time with your kids.
We want to love them and care for them and support them as single parents.

3.)Part time for school teachers, christian workers, etc.

4.) Missionaries- 63 countries are effected by Premier building schools, hospitals and other needs are provided for.
Helping charities around the world.

Most businesses are all about the profit, and you gotta have profit, but it's not the main focus.
First OP was in Joan and Andy's house.
First OP, no one was interested. First show was about 200.00 and 45 items to sell.
God was in it, and we never gave up.
1990 was the betrayal. It was five years in, and between the management, who left and started a new company and took about half of the people.
STILL, Andy and Joan never gave up. God gave them strength and focus.
It was a struggle, but God took care of them and gave them growth.

God gets all the glory for the ideas for the futures. Greatest opportunities we've ever head. Our country is in a place that has the
greatest needs, and God will use Premier to help meet those needs. We're not looking back, but looking forward into our next 25 years.

Joan's ideas for business.
Keep it Personal.
Count it all for Joy.

Be good to your hostesses, and they'll be yours for life. Share with women that they're worthy and valuable. People don't understand
how worthy and valuable they are. Have self-esteem and confidence to better their lives.

Make a promise and keep it. God will use it for your good.

Be thankful and thank God for what he's doing. Pray A LOT and all of the time.

Our hostess plan and business plan, our philosophy has been with us for 25 years!

Bible was the operational manual for Premier. Joy from the bible- which gives us strength in weaknesses.
IF the bible won't change, as it has for thousands of years, it won't be altered.
TRUTH and INTEGRITY is in our company, as we find in Premier.
We have an educational experience, we teach how to clean your jewelry, where to wear it, how to mix it, we teach.
You'll get smiles and joy. It will be a serving evening.
It's not about what you sell, it's about how much you serve.
There's never a bad show. Messure your show around how many lives you touch, not the money they made.
We have LOVE. Love is magnetic and helps others.
We have HOPE, for ourselves and to give to others.

25 years we've not changed anything. We want you to make money and you can, but we want you to make a life. PLan your
priorites. Relationship with the Lord, your family, then your business. Don't allow this business to cause problems in your family.
We've been on mountain peaks, and in valleys, and we know that God will provided us for the next 25 years.

There is no other company that we know of that has a Queen, and we thought Andy would become King. He didn't want to push for it, but
he thought it would come naturally. However, the Queen was so powerful, we didnt need a queen.

Keep it Personal Devotional by Joan:
Do it daily, as she will talk to us forever with her spirit.
Proverbs 31- A Wife of Noble Character
It had to be right, honest and true. Didn't play games and was always true.
Her husband had full confidance in her. She brings him good, not harm all days of her life.
She opens her arms to the poor, she extends her hands to the needy, to her children, they call her blessed.
Her husband praises her night and day.

Keep it Personal
A huge benefit goes with it. Premier makes it personal. It pulls people into the company, as we care about others.
It means you are a person and you are not an object. We care about you and won't use you.
You can't care about people without them responding. We tell them that we love them and it's what we built this company on.
You have to get it, keep it personal and enrich every life you can touch. Cout it all joy!
Joy is our strength.
Count it all Joy. You can't recapture the past joy, buty you have to make your future joyful.
Don't look back, but look forward.
People need acceptance and want to belong. Help others feel that love and help them realize that they want to become
part of the family of Premier.
Don't worry about making money, but keep it personal and count all joy.
You'll get no's, but don't give up.
Joan and Andy could have given up, when they were betrayed, but God used that difficult time, and made them stronger.

A- Alwayslways Remember that God created you. God gave you all the worth and value you'd ever had. He loves you as you are. When you realize
it, it will change your life and you won't be a nobody. You are all very special, and don't ever forget it.
B- Believe- Attitude determines your work. Believe in God who will help you. Believe in Premier.
C- Confidance in Premier in our leadership and all those in charge.

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