Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How to Respond to 'No's' -Gary Googe- July 2011

The number one reasons sales are not made are that the salesperson doesn't ask the closing questions.
You must ask for the booking or sale.

Why do people not ask or are afraid of asking.
-Afraid of rejection
-Afraid of hearing NO

Ask enthusiastically
Ask Everyone- Don't assume and talk to the hostess about getting bookings from ladies who couldn't come

Ask Urgently- Be fearless!
Ask Confidently- Assume you are going to get bookings and be proud of our produce
Ask personally- Hold the box or purse and look them in the eye. Personalize it and say,
"I saw you looking at that piece and you can get free or half price for having your own show! Wouldn't you love that, Cindy?"
"Think of how many Christmas gifts you could get free for having me come do a show for you!"

Ask multiple times. Don't just once. A no means, no right now. Maybe later in the show, the gals will change their minds.
Women changes their minds all the time.

Ask assertively- "I'm thinking of it..." "Oh come on, Connie, I would so love to come and get you free jewelry!"
Not pushing but being purposeful.

Ask frequently- Don't be a annoying but sincere.
Ask persistently

If someone ask about your jewelry or compliments, say
"It's premier jewelry, which is my business. I can get it for you free..."

Ask Prayerfully. The Lord knows your life and if you are a Christian, you have access and take advantage of His love for you
and He knows your needs. He understands your desires. Pray to become the person He wants you to become and to help you become
a better jeweler and to apply His love in your business. The Lord is completely in control and will also give you your next home
show as well as your next breath. Trust him and make sure you have a solid relationship with the Lord.

Ask Patiently. If she says no, it's not forever. Be patient and don't give up or judge them with an attitude.

You have NOTHING to lose, other than your pride, when you just simply ask.

Do whatever it takes to make sure the guests understand the hostess plan. Convience the girls that it's in their best interst
to book a show. They will so benefit from hosting!

You will only build a good business when the girls understand fully what they get from hosting a show. Understand it so you can
clearly explain it to them, and so they feel loss or left out by not having a show.

The fear of loss is always greater than the desire of gain! Help them realize what a gift a Premier Show is!

Learn to respond to common objections. Be preapred.

House too small- Close and intamate shows are the best. Have it at a park, church, resturant, friend's house, etc.

No friends to invite- Frank List which helps bring people to mind who you can invite. I'll help you think of names. It doesn't take many to have
a great home show! If it's just us, we'll play in the jewelry and help you find items for your favorite outfits! A few gals is OK!

I'm too busy- I'm glad you're a busy lady, as the busy gals have the best shows and get the most free jewelry. They are out and about
and know people! It doesn't take much time to have a show, and end up with so much free jewelry! It's worth two hours of your time.

My friends have no money- It's completely OK, and they might find the money if they love the jewelry. I bet you know lots of people
that would love to host a show just to get free jewelry! Just have a girl's night and we'll have fun!

My husband doesn't want me to do it- Does he not want you to do it at all or not just at your house? Other places to host it.
Catalog show will work, etc.

I already have to much jewelry- I've never met a woman who has too many shoes, purses or jewelry. If you do, you're the first person I've met.
Just do it for the girl's night or to get free gifts.

I only buy real jewelry- Please understand is that fashion jewelry is what everyone is wearing, including Hollywood ladies. Plus you can
get more of it, at a fraction of a cost? With our economy, more and more families are coming into our High Fashion Jewelry.

I have a friend whose a Jeweler- If you'd like to have a show, I'd love to be a hostess as well, I'd like to serve you in that way. However,
I understand your honoring her. Make yourself avaliable to her and with whomever you can.

I understand that books will not hold. There will always be slower months and cancelations. Most will hold if I learn to do the right things
and build relationships with my hostesses. Stuff happens, and you sometimes can't control it.

However, it should not cancel b/c of your lack of timeliness, your lack of service, your lack of appreciation, or lack of contact.
Overall, you'll build such report with the hostess, and they won't cancel.

When someone books, write a personal note thanking her for becoming a part of your business and inviting you into her home and for sharing her friends.
Thank you for her trust and how excited you are to help her get free jewelry!
She's getting it right away, and she feels good and you begin to build this relationship.
Make it personal, and compliment her or the jewelry she ordered. Personalize it to her life or choices.
Send out reminder postcards (Off of incentive site)
Commit yourself to the ladies and their shows, then you will continue to build report and help them feel excited and respected.
Training Show- Send reminder notices to shows with the mini-catalog for girls who have RSVPed.

If you handle the relationship well, you will cut down on the cancelations.

Handle your calendar, and don't let the calendar control you.
Highlight the days you are avaliable to work. These are the dates you're booking.
This way you have more

Have STAR dates, dates you give something extra on if the gal will book. Dates youlost a show, need a show, near the end of the month, etc.
If they book on a STAR date, they get an extra something special.
They are afraid of missing out on that date, so they will book faster.

If I want shows on the calendar or on certain dates, I need to offer whatever it takes.
It may mean more money on the front end, but so worth it in the end.
Do whatever it takes to book that show.
Use retired jewelry for this incentive.

Every show you do, you must have a booking before you leave. This must happen. Eventually, you'll run out of shows.
This is procrastination on your part, as you continue to put it off, put it off and put it off until their calendar is empty.
"If I don't get a booking, I need to do whatever it takes to get one. Get on the phone, meet people, call past hostesses, open house, etc."

NEVER be embarassed about your Premier Business. Be proud in what you are accomplishing.
Advoide the embarrassment by letting others know how good your business is.

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