Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Perspective and Returns in Premier- Bob Bolander- Philly Rally 2011

Bob Bolander- 14 years with Premier, Wife is a Jeweler and 8 Years in Home Office
Marketing Training

40 Thousand Jewelers- Everyone has their own perspective on what's unique and diffent about Premier.

Learn to have the same perspective, as we are relied on to spread the word of how we are unique.

Our job is to influence what is different about Premier and we all need to be on the same page with it.

Perspective- means optital glasses- rose colored glasses, everything looks good and blue colored looks bad.

Perspective is how we look at life, and we all need to put on the same colored glasses so we have the same outlook.

Three blind men stumble onto an elephant: one says it's like a tree (leg), another says a snake (nose), and a rope (tail)
None of them really told what an elephant is.

In Premier, we need to be unified in our perspective. Our experiences all influence our perspective. Our future influences our perspective. What we know and what we don't know shape our ideas of Premier. How do we bring them together?

Put on the glasses of two lens:
First, appreciate what we have in Premier.

Second: Patience, not acting on what we don't know or forming conclusions, and anticipate the future.

Eddie Rickenbocker, who lived in Florida and every Friday he would feed the seagull the shrip off of a pier.

You'll hear him thank the birds every time one took the shrimp.
People thought something was wrong with him, but he was WWII piolet and were downed in the ocean. 28 days at sea and they prayed that God would work a miracle. They thought they would all die. A seagull landed, and they were able to kill him, and fished with his insides. He was thanking and appreciated seagulls, as he appreciated how they saved his life. Now that you know his story, you can appreciate his life and his own perspective, and not think he is a crazy old man.

England and had a horse who was a friend who he cared for. People wanted to buy his white stallion and he only wanted to take care of him. He refused to sell him. The horse disappeared and others thought he was crazy, as they thought he'd been stolen.
The man waited to see what would happen. He was patient and the horse returned and returned with a bunch a horses with him that were wild. The people said what a blessing. He said he's wait and see what would happen. His son tries to tame the horse,
and breaks his leg. The people thought he was crazy, and he thought he would wait and see. THe war happens, and the son couldn't go to war. The horses were a blessing. Again, he is patient in what God's plan was.

Returns: If the jewelry breaks, have the right perspective. It's manufactured by hand and does break. It's a product that is mass and is bound to have a flaw sometimes. It happens. It's high fashion jewelry. Look and feel of fine jewelry, without the price.
Have hope and know that you should serve, but not frustrated. Apprecitate what it is and handle it with grace.

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