Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sponsoring- Adrienne- 6 Diamond- 2011 Regional Rally

Tell your sponsoring from the heart. Tell at the beginning how you got into it.
Your responsiblity is to get them off to a great start. If they aren't doing anything, stop focusing on the ones that won't stay.
Surround yourself with positive people who are working. (Engergy Bus- Jon Gordon)

Joan says, "You are Premier." You are the only person who some ladies come in contact with. Please resprent Premier as well as you can.
Uphold ethics.
Bonuses are a gift from Premier. Only give away when they reach them.
If everyone gave away one unearned bonus per month, it would cost Premier Millions.
Be guniue and God will bless you when you do ethics.
People know what you do and they will come to you.
Have a servant's heart and an attitude of gratitude.
Focus on your hostess and what she wants from that night, and you will intern make some money.

At your table:
Work your table.
Make sure your hostess is your partner.
Need you to stay at the table.
Help them see how valuable a show is, to get free jewerly.

Check out:
"Maybe," on Guest Survey, "Ask, when were you thinking."
"I could have sworn you'd want to get that ensamble for free!"
Just be one of the girls.
Talk about THEM. It's about them. Ask them questions and be more comfortable with them.

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