Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sponsoring to honor Joan and Andy!- Cindy Sturnridge- 5 Diamond- Philly Rally 2011

5 Diamond- VA- Cindy Sturnridge
What is the personal difference in Premier? We don't get fired or get in trouble for serving others.
We make more money and we can share and serve and make a big difference.
There will come a day when money won't be enough motivation to keep you going in this business.
Phil 4:8 Whatever is praise worthy, think about such things.
Are your thoughts pure?
95% of us got into Premier to make money. What other motivations are there? (Jewerly, fashion, fun, others?)

In VA min. wage 7.65 per hour. 100.00 per show divided by 50% equals more than minumum wage. (Five dollars over min. wage)
Adv. homeshow are 400.00 so that's about 50.00 an hour. WAY over minimum wage.

Premier isn't all about me. It's not what's in it for me, what it will cost me, and how it will effect me?
Think outside yourself and how you can serve others.
God's will in starting Premier is a vehicle to change lives. Both your own and others.
Through changing lives, dreams and goals are fullfilled.
People see others in pain, and help them by serving, and then help them learn to serve.
Be a needs Filler- Find out the needs in people, and find out how to fill those needs.
We bring hope and joy, and give them a way to meet their needs.
We provide friendship, and show them Jesus with skin on who cares about who they are and not just what they bring into our show.

If we're only focused on us (promotions, money, sponsoring, etc.) then we're missing the point.
It is our responsiblilty to carry on Joan's legacy.

Everyone has value and purpose.
We belive in America and free enterprise.
People are our most important aspect.
Enrich every life we touch.
Meet needs personally of all we meet.
Live this philosophy and live it out.

Do things for others without a motive.
When was the last time you did something, a selfless act, with no intent of getting something back.
God will honor your selflessness.

Serve others to honor Joan and Andy's vision.
From Loser to Lexis! God doesn't make loser and He has a place and plan for your life.
Live in the life of acts of service and selflessness.
Like tithing. You will get much in return.


God rewards you for your kind and serving behavior.
Give hope to people who don't have it. Honor Joan and Andy's vision with that serve.

You won't understand the true value of Premier until you begin to live out the philosophy.

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