Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bring a Friend Coupon- By Rachel Lantz

Thank You for being “Fashionably fRIENDLY” COUPON

Make the most of YOUR time

with a fast, easy “On The Go” Jewelry Collection!


Present this Coupon to enter the Bring a Friend Drawing

Win a Free Piece Of

Premier Designs High Fashion Jewelry!

Thank You Coupon for Customers- By Rachel Lantz and Janet Googe

Thank You for attending my Jewelry Show COUPON
Take $5 off your order tonight!

Double this coupon and take $10 off - by scheduling your own show with me. I do shows for you and two, you and a few or you and a slew.

Triple this and take $15 off - by giving me 30 minutes of your time to tell you how my business works. No pressure!

Premier Designs High Fashion Jewelry!
Lena Googe 704-965-6317

At end of show:
I have a little something for each of you to thank you for coming tonight. Here is a coupon for $5.00 off your order. However, this coupon can be the gift that just keeps on giving. You can double it to $10.00 off when you schedule your own personal show with me. It gets even better - you can triple the coupon to $15.00 off your order tonight if you will just give me 30 minutes of your time to tell you more about Premier - even if it's not for you but maybe for someone you know. So, you will determine your level of savings.

At checkout:
Hey, do you have your coupon? Ok - you want to double it right? Let's look at the calendar and see when would be a good time to schedule your show. Now, let's see when are you available to give me 30 minutes? Of course, I give them purse night as an option.

I used this Saturday. I got 2 shows on my calendar and 2 ladies coming to purse night. I thought it was a very comfortable way to ask - I liked it.

Bring a Friend Coupon- By Rachel Lantz

Thank You for being “Fashionably fRIENDLY” COUPON

Make the most of YOUR time

with a fast, easy “On The Go” Jewelry Collection!


Present this Coupon to enter the Bring a Friend Drawing

Win a Free Piece Of

Premier Designs High Fashion Jewelry!

Thank You for being “Fashionably fRIENDLY” COUPON

Make the most of YOUR time

with a fast, easy “On The Go” Jewelry Collection!


Present this Coupon to enter the Bring a Friend Drawing

Win a Free Piece Of

Premier Designs High Fashion Jewelry!

Thank You for being “Fashionably fRIENDLY” COUPON

Make the most of YOUR time

with a fast, easy “On The Go” Jewelry Collection!


Present this Coupon to enter the Bring a Friend Drawing

Win a Free Piece Of

Premier Designs High Fashion Jewelry!

Customer Care that will Change Your Business- By Rachel Lantz

Go to Dollar General or Family Dollar get 3 ringed binder.... Get 5 two pocket folders to go inside .
Label them :

48 Hour Thank you Call ( Including Advance Orders)
3 Week Check in Call ( 3 wks After Jewelry is Del to Hostess) 45 Day Check in Call
5 Month Check in call and New Catalog Mailer
R/E Follow-up Call

Print out the Script in Sections as labeled above and put on the left side of folder it belongs with.

After submitting show to PD
Go back into orders and select the show
Go to tab up top and select Packing List
list will appear on your screen
Hit the Pinter button

Place the Packing list in the first folder on the right side, Make a note on your calendar to call 24-48 hours .

Once called, Place that packing list in the next folder - make a note on your calendar to call within 3 weeks after the Hostess receives the bling - to give time for her to get items to the guest.

Continue calling, moving the packing sheet till the end.....once at the end make use of this sheet by giving them a call /email when the new book comes have formed a realationship at this point and they are more likely to respond.

These lists can also be helpful when inviting people to Open houses can put a note beside their name how she responded.....etc.

The RE follow-up is one that I made - I feel like this is something none of us like to do , but it is a GREAT opportunity to help a customer and I have found that often they become my guests, Hostesses and attend my events b/c I cared enough to follow-up with them!


I challange you all to try if for just the next 4 shows and see how much your business grows~

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Prayer and Premier- Gary Googe- July 2011

Train and function as though booking all depends on me, while praying as though it all depends on the Lord.
Say the Premier Prayer (See Below) everyday.

Thank you for Joan and Andy and Premier
Ask blessings for your business, for retail, sponsoring, for bookings
Ask blessings for your hostesses and customers and downline
Ask for the words to speak perfectly about your business and open hearts to hear about Premier.
Provide ladies who need Premier in shows, Girls' Nights Out and for a job.
Ask God to guide your actions and help you reflect His will and Premier well.

Put prayer on the mirror and say it twice a day, when you get up and when you go to bed. While brushing your teeth.

Be a person of faith and get better at what you need to improve in your business then trust God to take your abilities
and help you to shine in honor of Him.

If I don't get bookings, it's not a sign that God doesn't want you to have them. That's another Christian excuse.
You cannot be serious as that's judging God and putting Him in a box. It's just wrong.
God gives us the ability and allows us to have a good attitude. You must use your abilities and not blame God.
Get better and get training and trust God, don't blame him.

Know you need more training and learn how to be a better relationship person. We all can get better.
Read Making Friends and Influencing Others by Dale Carnige.

Training in the art of bookings. Seek your upline and sideline for help. Then, apply it.
I will reap what I sow in bookings and in everything.
What I do directly reflects the outcome.
If I do what I'm suppose to, with the right spirit, you will get fabulous results in relation to your life and your business.

Whenever I get a booking, be thankful for them. DO NOT WHINE about the bookings! Go into the show with a joyful heart and spirit.
What do I need to change about myself to better my life and my business?

Give all the honor and credit to God for every aspect of your business. It's not you, it's His GIFT to you. He enabled it and allowed it.
He blessed you.

Ask God in prayer to help you become a better person in all aspects of your life, in marriage, family, etc.

You will sponsor all kinds of people in your business. Most people don't ever sponor in Premier. If you've sponsored one person,
you've done more than many.

There are so many people that need this business, and they don't realize it. Make many presentaions and you will sign up people.
If you have desires to become leadership, you have to continue to sponsor. You can't sponsor and quit. Many quit before you move on.
We have the best retention rate, but we still have loss of people. You have to sign two to keep one. Most people can't stay in self-
employment b/c people won't work and are lazy.

Retention rate in Premier is over 50%. New jewelers, you almost have to sign three to keep one.
We have the best support system in Premier.

People self-destruct by the choice not to do the above ideas and suggestions. There are jewelers in this room who won't make it in Premier
b/c you won't do what is needed to be done. It's that simple. It's not Premier, it's the jeweler who misses out.

Joan's Rookie Club is the best way to keep new jewelers- involves retail and sponsoring. Retention rate is abou 80%

When you sponsor in the midst of the process- you need to commit to training. Monthly training, New Jeweler Orientation, and Designer Training DDT,
Tell them they most likely make it.

Main Reason- Trainings provide: Information and Inspiration (Support and Support)
Zeal will cover many sins. If you are excited, this will cover many things you didn't do.

LIfe is full of choices and decisions. What will your choice be with Premier?

How to Respond to 'No's' -Gary Googe- July 2011

The number one reasons sales are not made are that the salesperson doesn't ask the closing questions.
You must ask for the booking or sale.

Why do people not ask or are afraid of asking.
-Afraid of rejection
-Afraid of hearing NO

Ask enthusiastically
Ask Everyone- Don't assume and talk to the hostess about getting bookings from ladies who couldn't come

Ask Urgently- Be fearless!
Ask Confidently- Assume you are going to get bookings and be proud of our produce
Ask personally- Hold the box or purse and look them in the eye. Personalize it and say,
"I saw you looking at that piece and you can get free or half price for having your own show! Wouldn't you love that, Cindy?"
"Think of how many Christmas gifts you could get free for having me come do a show for you!"

Ask multiple times. Don't just once. A no means, no right now. Maybe later in the show, the gals will change their minds.
Women changes their minds all the time.

Ask assertively- "I'm thinking of it..." "Oh come on, Connie, I would so love to come and get you free jewelry!"
Not pushing but being purposeful.

Ask frequently- Don't be a annoying but sincere.
Ask persistently

If someone ask about your jewelry or compliments, say
"It's premier jewelry, which is my business. I can get it for you free..."

Ask Prayerfully. The Lord knows your life and if you are a Christian, you have access and take advantage of His love for you
and He knows your needs. He understands your desires. Pray to become the person He wants you to become and to help you become
a better jeweler and to apply His love in your business. The Lord is completely in control and will also give you your next home
show as well as your next breath. Trust him and make sure you have a solid relationship with the Lord.

Ask Patiently. If she says no, it's not forever. Be patient and don't give up or judge them with an attitude.

You have NOTHING to lose, other than your pride, when you just simply ask.

Do whatever it takes to make sure the guests understand the hostess plan. Convience the girls that it's in their best interst
to book a show. They will so benefit from hosting!

You will only build a good business when the girls understand fully what they get from hosting a show. Understand it so you can
clearly explain it to them, and so they feel loss or left out by not having a show.

The fear of loss is always greater than the desire of gain! Help them realize what a gift a Premier Show is!

Learn to respond to common objections. Be preapred.

House too small- Close and intamate shows are the best. Have it at a park, church, resturant, friend's house, etc.

No friends to invite- Frank List which helps bring people to mind who you can invite. I'll help you think of names. It doesn't take many to have
a great home show! If it's just us, we'll play in the jewelry and help you find items for your favorite outfits! A few gals is OK!

I'm too busy- I'm glad you're a busy lady, as the busy gals have the best shows and get the most free jewelry. They are out and about
and know people! It doesn't take much time to have a show, and end up with so much free jewelry! It's worth two hours of your time.

My friends have no money- It's completely OK, and they might find the money if they love the jewelry. I bet you know lots of people
that would love to host a show just to get free jewelry! Just have a girl's night and we'll have fun!

My husband doesn't want me to do it- Does he not want you to do it at all or not just at your house? Other places to host it.
Catalog show will work, etc.

I already have to much jewelry- I've never met a woman who has too many shoes, purses or jewelry. If you do, you're the first person I've met.
Just do it for the girl's night or to get free gifts.

I only buy real jewelry- Please understand is that fashion jewelry is what everyone is wearing, including Hollywood ladies. Plus you can
get more of it, at a fraction of a cost? With our economy, more and more families are coming into our High Fashion Jewelry.

I have a friend whose a Jeweler- If you'd like to have a show, I'd love to be a hostess as well, I'd like to serve you in that way. However,
I understand your honoring her. Make yourself avaliable to her and with whomever you can.

I understand that books will not hold. There will always be slower months and cancelations. Most will hold if I learn to do the right things
and build relationships with my hostesses. Stuff happens, and you sometimes can't control it.

However, it should not cancel b/c of your lack of timeliness, your lack of service, your lack of appreciation, or lack of contact.
Overall, you'll build such report with the hostess, and they won't cancel.

When someone books, write a personal note thanking her for becoming a part of your business and inviting you into her home and for sharing her friends.
Thank you for her trust and how excited you are to help her get free jewelry!
She's getting it right away, and she feels good and you begin to build this relationship.
Make it personal, and compliment her or the jewelry she ordered. Personalize it to her life or choices.
Send out reminder postcards (Off of incentive site)
Commit yourself to the ladies and their shows, then you will continue to build report and help them feel excited and respected.
Training Show- Send reminder notices to shows with the mini-catalog for girls who have RSVPed.

If you handle the relationship well, you will cut down on the cancelations.

Handle your calendar, and don't let the calendar control you.
Highlight the days you are avaliable to work. These are the dates you're booking.
This way you have more

Have STAR dates, dates you give something extra on if the gal will book. Dates youlost a show, need a show, near the end of the month, etc.
If they book on a STAR date, they get an extra something special.
They are afraid of missing out on that date, so they will book faster.

If I want shows on the calendar or on certain dates, I need to offer whatever it takes.
It may mean more money on the front end, but so worth it in the end.
Do whatever it takes to book that show.
Use retired jewelry for this incentive.

Every show you do, you must have a booking before you leave. This must happen. Eventually, you'll run out of shows.
This is procrastination on your part, as you continue to put it off, put it off and put it off until their calendar is empty.
"If I don't get a booking, I need to do whatever it takes to get one. Get on the phone, meet people, call past hostesses, open house, etc."

NEVER be embarassed about your Premier Business. Be proud in what you are accomplishing.
Advoide the embarrassment by letting others know how good your business is.

Sponsoring & Bookings by Gary Googe- July 2011

For sponsoring, look for ladies who would be better off because of Premier for them, not for you.

Andy and Joan didn't start this business to make money for themselves. They started Premier for money for missionary work.
That is really the case! Andy was very well off before Premier through Home Interier. He started Premier b/c he was involved
with mission work. The idea of Premier came to Andy in flight from Poland to the US for mission work. He and a pastor
sat together and they discussed this idea to raise money for missionaries. That was the seed that was planted that brought
about Premier. This was not a selfish idea.

God has given me this opportunity to be in your home, and I want to honor you and serve you and share Premier and this awesome
company to you.

We understand you have ambition and need to pay the bills, however HOW MAY I SERVE YOU, MUST be your mindset.

If a customer has an issue, make it right! Ladies change their minds and your objective is to satisfy the customer. You make it right,
and treat it immediately. Treat it like a 1000.00 order. Make it happen quickly and don't drag it out. Take care of business.
Meanwhile, she's talking to her friends and spreading her negativity. However, if you make it right, her words will be different.
HOW MAY I SERVE YOU? This is your motto.

This isn't just another show that you're going to. This is YOUR SHOW. Think this every night. It's not just routine. Give her your best.
Work with an attitude of excellence. If it's just enough to get by, then you're not full-filling God's plan for you or your role in
Premier. The outcome will be less than it could be.

I understand that there are people here and throughout the country who are booking homeshows. I know there are people in this area
who will book with me IF I develope the skills for bookings.

One reason Gary does a newsletter, is to remind people that homeshows are happening, and what the high retail is. Even in this
economy, people are booking and the newsletter shuts down the negaitvity and self-doubt. There are no excuses.
Same with sponsoring, as you just see the list of new jewelers and you realize that you cannot whine about things.
Even more so if the pace of your business isn't going as fast as you'd want to have it.
It's a reminder that peole are working their business.
If they don't buy from you, they will buy from another Jewelry Gal.
You might as well be in on it, but you must work on it.

As a jeweler, you must be responsible for your business and it's success, or you won't remain a jeweler for long.
The only thing holding you back is your own lack of skills.
This is reassuring b/c you can learn skills!.

You must demonstrate a generous spirit and you must invest in your customers and it will come back in your profit.
Understand the nature of your business, as you must spend money to make money.
Self-Employment means you must put in money to make it. Unlike regular employment where they provide.
As a business owner, you must provide for yourself and you must change your mindset to make money.
Be generous to your ladies as customers and hostesses.
Do you offer sales in your homeshows. Think of how much you love sales! Offer your own sales to thank the girls.
If you need more bookings and double the bonus, 12.50 and get that on your calendar.
Don't wait for Premier to offer the promotion, you offer it.
Do a gift with a purchase. You do have to pay for it, and be wise for the best financial outcome, but spend what you need to spend
to get it done.
If someone looks like they want to book, but she's hesitating. If she loves a certaing item, if she does the show, you'll give her
a discount or give her the item she loves. "Honey, if you book this show, please take this bracelet as a thank you from me."

If you are waiting for it to happen, it won't!

Draw a line on the reciept. If they get down to that line in items, one item is half-off, 25% off, etc.
Ladies love sales! We are programed to look for sales and we will buy more to get a sale!
Offer your own sales and you'll get more bookings for things you offer.

I must learn to be gracious and curtious, even to rude people. Love people as they are.
Your reputations depends on it! If not, it will cause you the success of your business.

Just love on people and know that the issues are most likely not related to you, but to something else in her life.
Turn that person into a project to make her life better.

In this business, you will have beautiful people to work with, but you will also have angry, rude and aggressive people.
How you treat them will impact your business directly.
God gives pop quizzes. The hardest customer is God's pop quiz for you. How you react is a reflection on you and God.

Do not prejudge people who will book and who won't. Don't write people off and assume everyone will book.
Ladies you won't believe this hostess plan. I cannot imagine anyone not booking, it's the best way to get our jewelry, other
than becoming a jeweler. Let us come and do a show, and you'll earn so much free jewelry! I don't know why anyone wouldn't
have us over to host a show for them! Let us do one for you to get so much free jewelry! You so derserve it!

See it at, "Now I get to do my booking activity! Who's home do I get to go to next?!"
Watch your temperment in this, as many of are prone to negativity. Know yourself and make those changes.
Catch yourself and don't be negative.
If you have to pre-judge, assume the ALL are going to book! Even those who don't where jewelry.

Different mind set- Shoe Story
Country where there were no shoes.
One salesman says, don't send shoes, no on wears them.
Other salesman says, send so many shoes! No one has them yet!

The no's you'll receive, there are things you need to do to assure that it's not you. If you don't address certain issues,
it might be you.
For example, if you speak ugly, or cuss, no one will want to book with her. That has nothing to do with Premier. It's the hostess.
They are rejecting you then b/c of something you're doing. How you present yourself, inappropriate dress, odor or too much perfum, cussing, etc.
Be a representation of Premier, as they are backbone. Most importantly, honor God in EVERYTHING you do.

Evaluate yourself to see how you can better yourself to make sure the no's are not because of you or because of something
you're doing that can offend others.

Be aware and look quality and professional. Get advice and help if you need.
You are a fashion jewelry consultant need to look that way.
What seems acceptable to you, may not be. Ask your trusted friends or uplines and seek advice.
How you present yourself shows how much you believe in yourself. Have pride in yourself and take proper steps to better yourself.

When you talk to ladies one-on-one you're going to have differnt outcomes about bookings rather than just always doing it in a group.

Nervousness is completely normal. It would not be normal if you WEREN'T nervous. Gear up for it mentally. Prepare emotionally
to say what you want to say it and HOW you say it.

Hostesses are the vital key to my business. Build positive relationships right away, as they are coming in the door. Meet them at the door.
Have everything in place and get there early enough to have one-on-one time with the hostess, and helping set up food.
Remind her that she'll get last minute calls and set her mind at ease. Share with her about how you need her help with staying at the

Gree the girls at the door and have quality name tags to read the name. Be professional and spend that money on labels to get to know them
by name. Call them by name repeatedly, as we all love to hear our names. It validates us a people.

Be real with these people and get to know them. Treat them well and love on them.

I understand it's best for me to home hostess coach rather than do it over the phone. There will be situations where it's impossible,
but make it personal. You need to get to know her and help her to understand the things she needs to do to have the most effective show possible.

She has to also make contacts along with giving you the invite list. Have her call the guests after you've sent out the invites.
Most people won't come unless you are personally invited and make them feel wanted and appreciated for their time. Maybe make it a couple's event.

Treat her as a person with needs I might fill, more than just jewelry. They are real people who have real problems and concerns.
I must be generous to her with my time and other things to establish a relationship as a long-standing customer and friend.

When you go to home hostess coach, take a small give. Get Dollar Store napkins for the show with a note, as an appreciation.
Treat others the way you'd like to be treated.
Be nice. You're investing in this very important person, your hostesses. You want her as a friend and hostess for years to come, and
maybe even a jeweler.

After doing Premier a few years, you should have an on-going list of regular hostesses that book annually, every season, or during good promotions.
Revisit hostesses throughout the year sending Christmas Cards, Birthday Cards, just to check in, and then you're building a relationship.
Call when you don't need something, so that when you do, it's genuine and not using someone.
Everyone is special and treat them that way.
You will develop a customer base, known as Customer Bank that you know and have a relationship with and can serve them.

I must completely explain what she must do to to have a good show. How well her show goes, impacts the retail and bookings.
Take that hostess coaching seriuosly, as it's the foundation of how the show will go.

Example: The game of football isn't the main thing. The groundwork is laid in the practices and the time and effort put into it in preparation for the game.
The show is the playing out of the the practice (The prep, the hostess coaching, the invites, the calls, the relationships made.)
Give the prep of the show your dedication and effort.

Address the 25.00 booking part of the hostess coaching. Double it or triple it to ensure that you'll get bookings.
Regarding the homeshow

Go along to other Jeweler's home shows. JUST WATCH, don't get involved and specifically observe how jewelers book shows.
Offer the girls something attractive and enticing to wear and take home with them, it's even better.

I must do what it takes to make it fun and informative. These are the two key items. This needs to happen.
Ladies need to have a good time and be educated at the same time. Thus, you need to learn as well.
Flipping jewelry, face shape, earrings shape, top styles, fads and fashion, etc.
Show them how to wear the product.

Creat a fun and informative situation, the thought becomes, "I have friends would love to hear this and need to hear this."
The guests evaluate what you're doing and if they should book.

Present the idea of getting free jewelry EARLY on the show. Plant that seed right away. Subconsiously they are already thinking.
Then layer that idea, water that seed, by providing them with a good experience, not wasting their time, and honoring them.

Keep your presentations SHORT and to the point. Don't waste their time. Leave them wanting more. Keep it short.
Be sensitive to the crowd and respect their time. If they feel like the show is long, they won't book.

Show presentation... maybe 45 minutes long. You can't do what you need to do in 30 minutes. Take time to hit every point, be personal,
and do a quality job. Then, after 45 minutes, go shopping. You cannot build your business on a 30 minute show.

MUST use a flip chart. Keeps it simple and you don't forget things. Makes it duplicable for girls who might want to become jewelers.
If it looks hard, then others will think they cannot do it.

I understand I must use a tool to get referrals from the guests for more bookings.
For example: Guest Survey

Just use the guest order forms. You want to know three things:
Do they want to book?
Are they interested in learning more abour the business?

Ask them to fill out the top section, as I'm talking, as I want a record of your attendance today.
Please check the boxes if you're interested in having a show or want more information about the business.

While at the show, look for the boxes and see what is checked so you are aware. If they are still there, talk to them and address
their interest to set up appointments for and Opportunity Presentation or a show on your calendar.

YOU MUST ACT on their interest RIGHT AWAY. Otherwise, their interest will grow cold right away. If they leave, the chances of a show
or sponsoring goes down, down, down.

Regarding my booking activity...
#1, the best booking activities are SIMPLE and easy to understand. (Ex: If you want to book,just keep the gift.)

#2 Make it fun and have them laugh and enjoy the experience

#3 Attractive- Have eye appeal. Make your give away look pretty with bows, a showcase, etc!

#4 Intice them. Make them want to play as they want to see what's in the box.

#5 Generous- "Isn't this neat?" "Isn't this great!" "You mean I get this TOO?"

#6 Pratice your booking activity and don't just assume it will come naturally. It's a technique and needs to be learned.
New jewelers should pratice and role-play with their upline or friends and family.
Practice the verbiage so it comes naturally. Think about it and practice in the car, in the shower, etc.

#7 Booking activities need to bring the customer to a decision to BOOK, not just to think about it. It brings their decision to a close.
Then, if they don't book, you still have close out to ask them again.
I need to use the booking activity as a means of ASKING for the booking.

More Booking Ideas from Gary Googe- July 2011

Notes from Gary on BOOKINGS!

Booking is the lifeline of your Premier Business. Without bookings, you don't have a business.
Booking is a matter of desire on the individual's part.
You can always make excuses of why you cannot book, however you have to make it a priority and 'make it happen.'

This is a subject, that people are looking for a trick or some kind of magic wand to get it done. There ISN"T a trick for this!
Success in booking is based on an understanding of certain things.
This becomes a part of you as you understand certain principals and you apply them.
You understand these are ingredients which you apply.
The activity of securing the bookings, just haven't changed.

It's vital to understand these ideas right at the beginning of your business. The training show, you'll just get your
friends and family members to book to support you.
THEN you must get strangers to book, so you must understand certain fundamentals of booking to make it happen.

The handout was created 15 years ago by Gary, and haven't changed. If you can understand these principals,
then your business will thrive and maybe you'll get more than you even want.
This is proven by those jewlers who understand this, and their business succeeds, as they apply them to your shows.
Booking isn't an accident, as those Jewelers who have high retail or countless bookings, know the principals and use them.
Traing yourself and use the principals of booking and apply them ALL THE TIME.

Same way with retail. If the jeweler knows how to do the show and work the table, then their retail will be higher.
It is a learned process, NOT luck.
Same with the booking idea. If a jeweler doesn't understand the philosophy, they won't get as many bookings as a jeweler
who is aware and training in fundimentals of bookings.

Understanding means... yes I know what to do, and I DO IT! Understanding doesn't mean, you know it, and SHOULD do it.
It doesn't take a lot to 'sink the ship.' If you have one major leak, your ship goes down. Just look at these things and
evalulate yourself on what you applying and what are you not applying. Evaluage yourself and be honest with your success or lack
there of.

Booking is the most important area for a new jeweler. If they don't know how to book, they won't stay in the business, and
cannot be effect in that area.

ATTITUDE! It's complete fundimental to your business.
Booking IS NOT a matter of luck, but a skill I can develop through faithful training. It is SKILL to be learned.
If you think it is luch or chance, you are misunderstanding and UNWILLNG to take responsibility for what you are NOT doing
in your business.
It's human nature to blame others, when in reality, we have to look inside ourselves and not look to blame others.
Even in the garden of Eden, Adam blamed Eve. God if you hadn't given me this woman...
People blame hostesses, the economy, and hostesses.
Own your business and know you are responsible for your business growing or NOT growing.
Once you own your business, you'll be effective in learning what to do, to better your business.

We have a great produce and a Hostess Plan like no other. Most companies don't offer Hostess Rewards, much less like ours!
The hostess plan is our tool. USE IT!
Don't skim over the plan. FOCUS ON IT! It deserves the time of honoring it and making sure every customer fully understands it.
Most ladies don't get it the first time they hear it. Take time and use visusal to explain the true opportunity.

Your attitude and how you present, demonstrates the value of the hostess plan. You have to convience them that it's worth their time
and effort to host a show.

This should be encouraging, as you can LEARN how to book effectively! This is beautiful news and should give you faith in yourself and your business.
You believe in yourself and your business will grow.

Same thing with sponsoring. Don't fear what their reasons for not becoming a jewelers. Be prepared by training and learn to respond to
the objections, then you'll sponsors.

Samem with bookings. LEARN how to respond to objections. Most times, ladies are REAL close to booking, however it's not on the calendar
and you don't have a show. Think of how many shows you've missed out on, not being trained on how to book.

Booking is not an optional for your Premier Business. Color folders are optionals. Colored table clothes are optional. Bookings are not optional.
You must learn how to book.

You can do catalog shows and sell to friends, however no one will build a business this way. You will sell a bit, but to honest, and it's
better just to buy the jewelry then. Because Premier is a business, and you need bookings to sell jewelry, make money, and sponsor.

Look around and you'll see ladies like Jennifer, Rachel, and Renita and learn what they are doing. They understand how to be effective,
and they make it work. Learn from them, and see it as a source of hope. As, they are in your backyard. If they can do it, you can do it.

I understand that in booking, I cannot afford to stay in my comfort zone. You won't go to any Rally or Regional Rally without hearing about
comfort zones. You have to make yourself do things you're not comfortable with.
When you say you won't do something, you telling yourself you're not good enough or you don't believe in yourself.
Once you do it a while, it becomes natural and you'll be surprised at how easy scary things have become for you.

Due to your temperment that you were born with, there are a few things you'll always be nervous about doing ceratin things.
Interverts may not like to be up in front of people, and you'd rather not be in front of others.
Extraverts love attention and enjoy the limelights.
Know what your personality type is, as all people have areas of great difficulty in building their business.
But, no matter what your personality is, you will slowly become comfortable with this and you will become effective with your business.

Melissa Terrell, who has the largest downline in Premier is shy and doesn't like attention. However, that has not stopped her.
Know your motivation and it will help you to choose to get out of your comfort zone to make your business successful.
Understand your motivation and incentive to push yourself. (Ex: Money, trips, quit work, etc.)
Senior Leaders have also had to get out their comfort zone and have reaped the rewards from overcoming their fears.

You must MAKE YOURSELF overcome your fears. You must have inner motivation to make these changes.
You will fire yourself by not making yourself do these things.
The choices you make in your business will effect your business.

Eventually I will succeed. This must be your mindset.

Some people come into Premier and say, "I'm going to try this and see if Premier works."
We don't need your help, but Premier works really well with or without you.
But for YOU to be successful, you have to work the business.

Be patient not with Premier, but with yourself.
You must give yourself time to learn the business and be patient as you get better and improve.
Self-Doubt is our biggest sin, as you have to talk UP to yourself and believe in yourself.
I'm not going to be a quiter, as this is a great opportunity and I won't allow it to slip by.

Operation Procrastionation.
People are afraid of rejection and that they cannot do this business.
People are afraid and scared to death and allow that fear to overcome their success.
Find people who are patient with you and encourage you fully.

Example: Jeweler didn't do a training show b/c of her fear. At her one year renewal, finally did her training show.
She overcame her fears and become a senior leader and a Premier Princess.

You have to push yourself. This isn't employment, this is SELF-Employment.
You must be a good employer for yourself or this won't work out well.

I understand my excitement for my business, will help fill my calendar. I must be FULLY SOLD on what I am doing, and let that excitement show!
You can have reservations about the product, but that will keep you from booking shows.
Your mind set keeps you from going where you want to go.
You may not be sold on the homeshow format or having to ask for the bookings, but your business will not succeed if you don't believe in Premier completely.

If you are used to no's, look at it as one step closer to a yes. You have to have thick skin, as the no's aren't personal.
Most ladies at your shows will say no to a show. Once your calendar is up and running, then you only need a show to replace a show.
That's not too hard!
About six or seven girls come to a show, thus you need one girl out of six or seven. These are awesome odds!

Make your show light and lively, as you cannot going into the booking activity anxiety ridden or nervous.
The enthusiasum you bring to the show, directly results in the booking result.

Whatever problem you have, leave it in the car. Do NOT bring it into the show!

Guys are waffles, as they can departmentalize. Spagetti are women, as everything touches everything. Nothing is separate.
It's hard, but you can do it! Learn to code switch and change gears.
You can park your problems if you want to, and when you leave it will still be in the car. Pick it up then and deal with it.
If you CHOOSE to do that, your attitude will play into every aspect of that show from retail to serving to booking to sponsoring.
Your there to provide refreshment for the ladies and to uplift them and encourage them and provide them hope.
Shopping is therapy. Help them theripize.

I understand that booking must not be done in an apologetic attitude. I'm providing the service, not the one who books.
In the way you ask for the show, "Honey, do you want me to come do a show for you! Will you let me come do a show for you?"
Little things and a series of things add up.
You do the work, they just have light refreshments and give you the invite list.
Approach it this way, and your results will be differnt!

Apologetic attitude means you feel like you are imposing on them. If you feel like you are imposing on them, then it will kill your business.
It will wipe out your calendar.

They aren't have a show, you are putting on a show for them!! Please let me do a show for you!You are giving free jewelry to ladies!
This is not imposing on them! It's a girls' night with their friends!

You cannot see it that way, or that alone will keep you from succeeding in this business. You are doing them a favor and helping them!
You get to have Premier in you home! You get free jewelry!

I understand that if my focus is on serving well, rather than money, than everything will go much better. Your focus needs
to be showing them a great time and how to enhance their entire look, and better their lives. How may I SERVE YOU.
If you're looking at a show for only money or promotions, then it's not about them. Don't worry about bookings or retail.
Focus on the ladies and make them feel special. Make it about them.

Ten Points to Bookings & Bettering your Business- Gary Googe- July 2011

Gary Googe
July 2011

Basics of working your Business
-Key to winning contest in Premier-
*Sponsoring people with gold package
*Half-Priced Hostess Items

You have so much fun while building a future for yourself.
Don't get left out of what you could be part of.
If you don't believe it will happen, it won't. You must believe in your dream for it to occur.
If you belive you can, you're right. If you believe you can't, your right. Henry Ford.
Your attitude will play into your results, and give you consequences.
Jewelry in front of ladies are a joke. It's like candy for a baby.
When you realize what you have, you can't get into Premier fast enough.
You cannot wait for it to happen. You have to get to work.
Work this business and good things will happen.
The outcome will be even better than what you think, when you believe in yourself.
People are looking for us, they just don't know they are looking for you. When they know what we have, they want to be on board.
You have to be determined to reach your goals. Story of blind guy becoming certified for a Certified Training Show Trainer.

If you continue to do what you've been doing, you'll get what you've been getting.
Ask yourself what you need to change to better your business and getting your goals accomplished.
Define your goals and dreams.
Set up expectations for yourself to reach those goals (How many calls a week need to be made? How many shows do you need a month? Etc.)
If you do the right things in the right spirit, you will see the benefits of your work.
Don't be fooled, whatsoever you sow, you will reap. It's biblically based idea.
Take a true and realistic look at your business and find out what is working and what needs to change.
Do what you know you should be doing.
Seek the bible for the 'mirror' of what God wants from you and for your life.
Never settle, but constantly work to improve your business.
You can never get better and still stay the same.
Find actual improvement to get better results.
There is nothing such as luck, in Premier Business.
Even the roll of the dice is in the hands of the Lord. There is nothing by chance in business.
The habits you have will make or break your business.

Your actions are big, but it's even better and more important for you to think specifically about your actions. Be purposeful.
First, REALIZE how good we have it in Premier. You must be SOLD in Premier and know what a gift this is to us.
Know the philosphy of Premier and understand the biblical background of the company.
To do this, go to Rally or Regional Rallly. Read Andy's book, By Chance or By Design.
You have the best company at your hands. Look around at the unity of the Jewelers and the support we have in each other.
If you have doubts about yourself or your business, talk to other Jewelers to get their imput of positive outlook.
We are a quality company with a quality opportunity for you.
If you leave this company, where are you going? What is better than this? 50% income, incredible product, etc.

What is your attitude towards the jewelry. If you have bad experiences with return or exchanges, get information on it and understand why.
Stuff happens. Handle it and move on.
Know how good our hostess plan is. ANYONE can get our product, buy, free or half-price!
Enrich lives through this business and your generous spirit will affect others. You will make a difference and watch your business grow.

Hostess Plan:
If you compare other direct sales, you'll see that the major concern is the lack of the hostess rewards.
Celebrate our Hostess Plan, you will book shows. YOU CANNOT be apologetic when you do the Booking Activity.
Don't be apologetic. Be ESTATIC as we have the BEST rewards for our hostesses. We give away MILLIONS of dollars to hostesses
and we want you to get your share!

If you present it well, it will be awesome! Present it everywhere you go, and just talk to people about it.

To get another Show from the hostess.
Why aren't you booking another show off of this one? Not all of your friends could come this time, so they can come next time!

-Open Houses
-Resturants- waitresses
-Stores- Checkouts, aisles
When people ask you:
"What do you guys do, anyway."
I'm part of a great business, we sell amazing jewelry, and ladies get it free!
Make it a big deal and be excited about it. Realize what you have. You have an awesome opportunity to help others out in this economy.

When someone complements your jewelry:
"I love this jewelry, and I'm part of this fantastic company. We give it away free!"

When you're excited or in love, you don't need verbiage. It just shows in your voice, your words, and your actions.
Communicate your enthusiasm in your company.
If you can sell people on bad ideas with great energy, think of what you can sell them about Premier when you get excited.

Making time for your business.
You have to make time for your business.
If you do Premier as a hobby, that's the money you'll make.
Everyone is busy, but decide what you are busy with and what you can continue to do and what you can cut back on things to make time for your business.
Why do you make room for Premier? It is worth it. OUr household needs the money. Maybe we need the spirituall life of Premier. Maybe we need friends, etc.
If you want to build this business, you have to make room for it in your life.
You have to have consistancy in your business.
If you are off and on with Premier, it's more difficult to continue.
It's easier to do five shows a month than one a month. With one a month, it's like your first show every time. It becomes natural.
Treat it like a business. It is a priority.

Get help. No one has built a great business by themself.
Husbands help with the kids. It's not babysitting, it parenting.
Get help from your sidelines and from your uplines.
Get sitters lined up.
Get cleaners hired for the house.
Get help mowing the lawn.
Get on the Premier Website and the 1-800 number
Reach out to peole who are good at what you need: Bookings, Retail, etc.
You spend money to make money

You are a business owner. Don't function like an employee, or your business will fail.
Act like the CEO and you will make that money.
If you sponsor someone, you have 200.00 training allowance to put back into that person.
Invest in your people that you work with and 'hire.'

Reach out to those hostesses that cancel and jewelers who don't call back. Then, put the ball in her court and leave it there.
Make yourself avaliable and then move on. It could be a very good reason she's not doing this, but offer your assistance, love them,
and move on. Don't get stressed out on it, and move on to the next person who does want Premier to work.
Toughen up on this, and it won't bother you. Don't bog yourself down by dwelling on it.

Work your business.
The biggest shock to Gary in doing Premier,
the terrible work ethic that people have.
People do not want to work and they want to be taken care of.
This is why our economy is in such trouble, as people don't want to work.
The laws of economics work the same for the household as the government. If you don't work, you won't get anything from it.
Premier doesn't work, if you don't work it.
Work for your achievements.
You'll be more excited if you've earned it, then if you didn't and it was just handed to you.

Work your business consistantly. If you start and stop, it's even harder.
Don't let situations in your life, ruin the opportunity to prosepect or continue your business.
If you are sick, write thank you notes to hostesses.
If you can't go out, call people and jewelers for care calls.
Premier is like church. People who need it the most, aren't at training.
If you get discouraged, you need to come to training to get support and make changes to better your business.
Go to those ladies and jewelers who know what they're doing in Premier and shadow them, go to their shows, have coffee with them, etc.
You find ladies who want to build the business, to be full of questions about the business. They are trying to improve and will build their business.
How teachable are you. Be a good student in the business and make changes in their business.
You have to listen and make changes to better your business and make it more Premier.

You've got to build momentum.
Get the homeshows moving where there are consistancy.
Have your name called out every so often at Trainings to give you excitement and motivation.
Start on the retails side with shows then go to sponsoring.
You'll get more attention from people in and out of homeshows, asking about your'jewelry thing.'
People want to be a part of something success. Premier is successful, but are YOU successful in Premier.
Is your business on the move, moving forward, not staying still or moving backward.
People are drawn to successful people. Don'ot neglect your own business. Don't let your ego get the best of you.
Know your standards and expectations of yourself, and don't allow your business to faulter b/c of it.
Like a yard, you cannot neglect your business or it will overgrow. Then it takes FOREVER to get it back in working order.
Like a train, once it slows down or stops, it's so hard to get it going again.

6 shows a month and you're still part time.
1-2 a month, is more of a hobby.
10-12 a month and sponsoring a person every other month, then you're more full time, or getting there.
Do a few shows a week, think of waht you can build!
Attitude is your most important ingredient.

Keep it simple.
Carry everything into the house in one trip.
If it looks like work, they won't express it, as it's too much to do.
If there is too much jewelry, they won't want to sponsor, as they think it's too much inventory.
Invest in your product of people.
Don't tie up money in a dead product.
Give it away to hostesses or sell it. Get it out of your house and invest the money in your business.
Retired jewelry is called "Limited Edition."
Give it away as gifts to friends to say thank you. To great customers, customers that were unhappy, etc.

Be a goal-setter.
To build a successful buisness woman, you must set goals and set ways to reach them, then attain them.
Have a friend or jeweler to be your accountability partner with you.
Set goals: Quick Start, The Cruise, etc.
What goals are you serious about. YOUR Goals, not your upline's goals, but YOUR goals.
What do you want to walk across stage for at Rally?
What are your show goals for August. If you say four shows, then you say, "I"M GOING TO DO THESE SHOWS." Take that
attitude, and make it happen no matter what.
How many one-on-ones do you have set up, both personal and downline ones. Make a goal then make it happen.
Ask friends and family members to let you 'practice' the Opportunity Presentation on them.
Give extra incentives to have ladies hear the OP from you.
Find out what promotions that Premier offers, Crown Jewel, Home Show Club, etc. This will help you build your business
this making money for your home.
If it's legal, moral, and ethicial, "Do whatever it takes." -Gary Googe
Pay the price to make this happen. Pay your dues and then see the rewards.
What is your number one objective in Premier? You need to know what your goal is from a business standpoint.
What is your business mission statement?

To build your business, focus on your downline, sponsoring and helping your jewelers become designers.
You have to sincere and excited about what you have to offer them for their benefit. Share what Premier had done
for you and how it's better your life and how it can better theirs.

Work close and personal with your people. Amaze people with your personal work ethic and love what you do.
Don't appear stretched out or over-worked. It will scare off people.
Show your service ethic and put your heart into what you do with the generous service you do.
Amaze your friends, hostesses, jewelers, customers, etc with your service and love for them.
Your downline should feel that way about you, the same way you feel towards our founders, Joan and Andy.
Make yourself accountable. You'll do more if you make yourself accountable.
It's more difficult b/c you don't have a boss per say, but hold yourself to high expectations to reach your goals,
honor God and reflect beautifully on Premier and the company.

Quiting is NOT an option- Gary Googe- Summer 2011


You'll have low points, no matter who you are.

Guys and husbands often are the first who noticed the difficult time in the business.
Help your wife and loved on get through the tough times in their business.

Don't quit b/c something is broken in your business. Fix it and move on. They are not reasons to quit, but just excuses.

You will miss out on what could have been if you'd only been more determined to get it done.

How to Get New Jewelers from Hostesses Verbiage

How to get new jewelers.

Lastly, I wanted to ask you about whether you would like just the Premier Jewelry or if you would like the Premier
Jewelry AND the money that comes from your show!

To explain, as you know, we Premier Jewelers make 50% of what
we sell. So, if your show is a 500.00 retail show (most shows average about 400.00 retail), then Chris and I will
make at least 250.00 in just a few hours! This means if your show is three hours, he and I would certainly make more
than minimum wage, as we'd make $83.33 per hour! This is insane!

Having said this, if you would like the money from your show, along with your jewelry, we'd love to chat with you about
becoming a Premier Jeweler! As you know, there are no quotas and you don't have to have inventory to sell Premier!
Please think about this, and if you'd like more information about Premier and becoming a Jeweler, please let us know,
and we'll meet up to chat about it! We'd love to have you in the Premier Family!

Attitude Adjustment- Randy Draper- 2011 Roanoke, VA

What you believe in Premier, is driven by your behavior. I can't hear what your saying b/c what you're doing is screaming so loud.
Your action or lack of actions speak louder than our words. What you believe determines your attitude. Your attitude will proved what you do.

Have an attitude adjustment everyday. What do you really believe?
In this economy, what you believe will give you your results.
Example: If you believe this area is too saturated, you won't be successful.
If you believe no one will host a show for you, that will be true.

You have to believe that this is the best time ever to get involved in our business! Believe in our company, trust Premier, and show that through your actions!
Trust some one or a business that hasn't changed in over 26 years!

What do you believe?

Daren Hardy Success Magazine
3 million college graduates 85% have to move in with mom and dad.
This age group needs our help and we can provide that support to make money.

What are you focused on?
If you take off your glasses, you are slightly out of focus. This means you are really out control as you are more dangerous.
In this economy, what are you focused on? What you can't control or what you can? On fear or on trusting God.
Fear ends in inactivity. Inactivity leads to inexperience which fosters ignorance, which breeds fear. You quit b/c you're afraid, and
it's easier than getting hurt again.
Tighten your focus. Go back to what you believe, and it will drive your behavior and give you confidance. Remember what your goals are and

50,000 people a day are signing up in direct sales in America. If this is true, it's 16 million people a year! Why aren't we getting our % share of that?
Get over yoru fear and don't worry about being pushy. If you weren't pushy before, then you won't be now.
Be consistent and persistent, not pushy.
Work it every day, every week, and it will work.
YOU WILL HEAR A LOT OF NOs. No means Not Right Now.
Average sales is made after the fifth call.;
80% of sales people quit after one or two calls.
10% of people continue to call and make 80% of the money.
What is the worst thing that could happen? They MIGHT say no. That's it. The worst thing.
Be brave and persistent.

Change your thinking.
Get excited as every no is one no closer to a yes.

Did you lose a horse, or find a rope? (losing your thoughts)
Find your own ratios.
1 out of 8 you- need to show your marketing plan 32 times.
1 out of 5, you need to show the marking plan 20 times.
No's turn it into a game. How fast can I get four more no's, as your next one will sign up.
Get prepared to hear the no's and make it a contest. I'll get five no's today, etc. Make it fun so you don't dread it.
Get out and talk to people.
Stop talking people INTO Premier and start talking to peole about Premeier.

Husband Says:
I can tell you like jewelry!
My wife has a jewelry business and she's trained me to recognize women who assessorize well.

What type of jewelry is it?
High Fashion Jewelry

Do you have a store?
No, she doesn't want to be tied down to a store with specific hours. She'll sell out of our house, your house, offices, resturants, etc.
Do you want a catalog? Then ask...
Mam, if I can get your name and number, I'll get my wife, Maria, to mail you a catalog.
My wife doesn't trust the postial service, and my wife would like to call you to follow up man make sure you received it.

What's your wife up to these days? If you'd like some more money for your family, we need to get your wife and my wife together and she can
help you guys with that.

In our minds, we feel that when we talk about Premier, we shouldn't freak out and just talk to people about Premier. If I have to talk you into
Premier, I have to talk you into working too. Be laid back about sponsoring when you talk to them. Just be upfront and honest about the amazing
company we have.

Every prospect has three fears:
-How will I tell this nice person no, if I don't want to do it?
-Will it change my relationship with my friend, the hostess, or if they are your friend, will it hurt our relationship.
-Are they going to pressure me to do something I don't want to do?

BEFORE you meeet for One-On-One Say:
Three Rules
-Not interested, just say no. Is that OK?
-If you say no, we'll still be friends. Would that work?
-We're not going to pressure you to do anything you don't want to do. Are you comfortable with that?
(THREE yes's already!)
We're looking forward to seeing you at starbucks on Tuesday to share with you how our business works.


If people say that Premier doesn't work in your area, it's b/c your not working Premier in your area. You have to get into another pond to start fishing.
Get out and meet new people.

"I need your help. Premier is running a promotion (tell promotions) and I want to reach my goal. Will you be one of my 12 shows to reach my goal."
Your the CEO and the President of your business. Make it happen for yourself!
Do you focus more on the doubt or the dream? If your dream isn't intimidating for you, it's probably an insult to God.
Do you have eggs and bacon? The chicken gave a contrabution, the pig was committed.

Marketing Plan & Sponsoring- Randy Draper- 2011 Roanoke, VA

Marketing Plan:
Questions that your guests may have of our Premier
-How do you make money in this business.
*We sell jewelry. 84% of our jewely is sold to a consumer and not to a distributor. Women Love Jewelry!
We sell through jewelry shows, trade shows, fundraisers, garage sales, etc. However, we cannot sell it on the internet.
DSA Direct Sales if you can't control it, say no. Example: jewelry on the internet sales.

We make 50% of what we sell. 400.00 show is average per show. Two shows a week and you've made four hundred.

How do you know I'll get paid?
*We get paid first.

Then, you sponsor. Our next way to make money.
10-10-10 Have as many children as you want and no weight gain and no stretch marks.

Is this a pyramid?
NO- first they are illegal. We would not be in business for 26th years if it were.
The top person makes the most money in a pyramid. An anyone can make more moeny in Premier.
In a pyramid, you buys product, which is not how Premier works.
If you work harder, you make the most money.
If the person you sponsored, can make more than you, it's legal.
Everyone has the right to make more money than the person who sponsored them.
This hasn't change since 1986 and will never change, so build your business knowing it will stay like that.

How do you get started in the business?
Everyone comes in with the same start. 395.00
Gives you supplies and services.
Catalogs, postcard invites, auto CD, DVD examples of homeshows, several examples.
Get info. from Premier Momma.
Services track your business and helps with taxes from the reports, ext.
You keep up with your personal expensises.
Cover your freight for a year.
Cover sales tax for us. They file with state of VA.
Lic. in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.
Pre-package the orders.
1800 numbers
Insurance is covered by company for stolen jewelry off of porches or mailbox

29.17 per month for all you get! 350.00 for your annual renewal.
Covers services for another year.
Best money you'll spend all year long, as Premier does all of this. An accountant would charge you 4,500.00 to do just that for us.
You pay for it, and it's a deduction for your business. If you don't pay for it, it's considered a benefit, and the taxes are charged to you.
Like a cruise, you pay a fee and it's all inclusive.
Plus, we have our annual renewal show, and it makes the money for our renewal.

Where does the jewelry come from?
Gold Package 70 items- 2,000 worth of retail product
If you buy the package at the same time as signing up, you'll get 25% discount off of total of 1,000 (what jewelers would pay) 50.00

475.00 40 items- 1,000 worth of retail
40 pieces

Can I pick out the pieces?
No, you don't know what sells and you don't know the variety that you'll need to start.

How do you know they won't just give us the pieces that can't sell?
The company won't make money off of items that don't sell.
The company gives it to countries that are more detrived to give away through missionaries.

4-6 homeshows to make your money back.
You can make your money back as quickly as you can hold 4-6 shows.

Jeweler's Choice-Pay 395.00 and you buy as much or as little jewelry as you'd like at 50% off.

No inventory. You'll have samples to show and wear. You can write off one per every item on your table.
Premier Card- 3rd party finance- zero down based on your credit score.
18.00 dock-fee, and get gold package, you'll get zero interest for six months.
Get reward points on every dollar you spend.

Hold a training show. The night of the training show. You're the hostess and the jeweler.
You'll get all the free jewelry and all of the bookings and all of the profit to help pay off your investment.
Sponsoring jeweler does your show, and she receives a jeweler's allounace of 200.00 for helping her new jewelry.
This helps her new jeweler get off to a great start! However, ONLY if she does the show will Premier comensate her time.

After I've had shows with all my family and friends, how do I keep my business going?
We have wa hostess plan. FREE Jewelry!
Can buy 4-8 items off of the entire catalog, not just the last two pages to pick from!
Get 30% of the jewelry in FREE jewelry!
400.00 show, bought 200.00 in half show, equals a 500.00 times 30% equals 130.00 in free jewelry.
PLUS Bonuses up to 100.00.

So easy to have shows, as women want free jewelry!

We have not corporate debt! Premier has no debt! In a company that doesn't have debt, they can stay in business for a long, long time.
Permier is worth over a billion dollars, if it were sold. Which it will never be.

WE pay 8.00 for the show. 8.00 for 150.00. For the bonuses, we pay 3.00 for each. Still a good trade for 20.00 for 150.00.
We get to pay for it, as otherwise you'll be paying for the IRS b/c it would be income verses gifts from the company. So, by paying for it,
we can write it off, instead of being income we're not taxed on.

Find any ad in the paper that will pay 20.00 an hour in the paper. One was found in Dallas, TX newspaper. It was for dancing and modeling, plus tips.

Quick Start- 6 homeshows before 45 days, you'll get 200.00 in jewelry and hold 9 shows, and get 300.00 in free jewelry.
Joan's Rookie Team, Builders, etc. all get more free jewerly.
Award and recognition aspect of our company.

The best part of Premier are the people. Great way to meet new people and make relationships happen!

Jewelry is the number one gift item in the US. 6.3 billion dollar industry. In a down economy, jewelery is still selling. Women show when they are depressed.
However, women are trying to look nice to get a job, keep a job, and women want to feel good about themselves.
What an opportunity we have to be in this business.

Premier will do about 450 million in sales in one year coming this year alone. There is much more room for growth.
The world around us, March 15th, 2011, 50% of workers in US are not comfortable about their retirement. 5 out of ten women at a homeshow aren't very
confident in their retirement planning for their future.

20-49 year old Americans, the bulk of our jewelers, were asked how stressful was their situation? 83% said they are very stressed about their finances.
This is the best time to talk about Premier, as ladies need it.

Gas prices hurting many. 4.00 a gallon 7 in 10 Americans cause financial hardship on their families. Premier can help these families.
Conversations about life should segue into Premier.

"Can you believe these gas Prices?"
"7 out of ten people are freaking out about them, and I'm so grateful that we have Premier to help pay for gas!"
Think about retirement NOW, no matter how old you are.

Premier Jewelers don't worry about retirement, we work for retirement. Oldest jeweler died at 92 in a nursing home, and Andy provided her her commissions
and gave her 2Diamond forever until she died.

It's your business and if you stay active and have a great attitude, you'll never have it taken away from you. What a great opportnity.

55% are unhappy at work. This tells us that if we don't have people to talk to about Premier, we just listen to them complain and need to provide them
an option for them to consider.

Crusing Devotion- Randy Draper- 2011 Roanoke, VA

CRUSIING Devotion:

Pull away from the dock slowly, build up speed, then hit our crusing speed to meet our destination.
Verb: To sail, travel, or move slowly around without a decided destination.
Are you on a cruise, or just crusing around?

Work with your hands. Deligent hands bring wealth. If a man doesn't work, he shall not eat. All bible verses about working and business.

If you think you're just crusing around, and want to hit crusing speed.
You have to give God your business. Trust in God with all your heart, and he will direct your ways.

Work. You've gotta work. Faithfully and consistantly. Successful jewelers do the same things that work, over and over again.
Regular consitant work will bring a successful business.

Slowly, steadily, and surely your business will grow. Be patient and it will slowly build speed. You'll start slow, but then gain momentum.
Pray and give your business to God. And work steadily.

Give God the glory as we reach and maintain our cruising speed.

Investigate your Business- Randy Draper- Roanoke, VA 2011

Always analzy your business.

47 first levels for Randy and Elizabeth and they still have to build their business. It's something they love and they take the bad with the good, as it's
something they love.

It's just the business that others will quit or not follow through. It's NOT you, and it's not always your issue. The Drapers and Googes have the same issues.

Marketing Plan- 2 times a week and you'll get 25 new jewelers a year.
8-10 prospects a week is what Drapers do. 1,250 in their 10-10-10.
If you don't put the marketing plan in front of prospects, you won't build your business.

If you find you're in the group of sisterhood mediarcty, find girls who are excited about Premier and encourage each other. You'll be a reflection of those you hang out.
As a leader, you are the president of your business, you have to make the tough decisions.

1. It's not your fault.
It's not your fault you're trying to call and email and they won't return your calls.
It's not your fault they came to training and didn't come again.

You take your nurture too far and you think it's responsibility to help every person succeed and make sure you fix everything.
You make it so your girls don't have to do anything and you're running to their every need.
Work smarter not harder.
Example: 18 jewelers and if we can get 4 to training, a wonderful victory!

2. It's not your responsibilitiy.
-It's not your responsibility to make them a success.
-"She has so much potential. She's my best friend. She needs it." Are those really good reason to work with someone, yes, but you cannot make them want to work.
-You've been trying to get her to training for three years, just let it go.

*Teach them how to sponsor and how to do the marketing plan, however you aren't responsible to make them a success.
We spend far too much time in helping people be a success who won't work. I just wish she could see the potential in themselves, but they can. Oh well, they can't see it.

If you would use as much energy as you spend trying to revive dead people, your business would be better.
Like going to the morge and trying to revive the 'dead' girls or bring the girls back to life.

In no way are suggesting that we dis on our non-working jewelers. They are still important, however don't put the time into them. Put it into new girls and
ones who are working.


3. Don't invest your energy into people who don't or won't work.

You cannot invest time and money in people who don't work. If there was someone at your office who doesn't get their job, do they invest more time and money
in that person? No, they are fired. Same with Premier.

Don't do group contest. Instead to singular contest for those girls are working.
Mom, Tammy, LuAnn, Annie,
Fear of loss motivates people. If you leave a few out of a contest, a few might do it, b/c they are being left out.
More are not wanting to do something than those who do.

Treat it like a business. Be smart, be savwork with the two or three who want to work.

Taking Initiative in Premier and Sponsoring- Randy Draper- 2011 Roanoke, Va

You have to take inititative in your business. You have to work the business. We're used to fishing in the same pond, and you have to step out of your
circle and fish in other ponds. This doesn't mean the business doesn't work, you just have to get a new pond.

Like Oil, once your well is dry, go drill another well. Oilers don't say, "Oh well, no more oil. Let's sell our business." They just go did somewhere else.
You don't need to quit Premier, just get into other groups of people.

Do things to meet others and wear your jewelry. Half Price and Free are women's two favorite prices! (USE IN SHOWS)

Sponsoring Ratio:
know your own sponsoring ratio. 1 out of 5 people will say yes, who you SHOW the marketing plan to.
Four people will say no. If we get discouraged after one or two no's, and we don't get to five.

If I had 20 ball caps, and if I was told that under one hat, there was a 200.00 dollar bill under one of them. How many would you turn over. You would
keep turning them over until you found it. So, don't give up. Keep showing the Sponsoring Plan.

It is scary and yet if it's worth 200.00, it's well worth it. It is challenging, but it takes initiative to do it. You cannot sit back and wait for it to happen.

Even Randy and Elizabeth don't like to call back to follow up and are afraid of rejections. However, you learn it's part of what we do. Like teaching,
there are parts you hate, like grades. Just like any other job, Premier is a job and has parts you love and hate. You learn to just do what you don't enjoy
doing, b/c it's just part of your job. Get used to doing the things you don't like to do, as it's the part that makes you money.

Work Ethic, Motivation, and Premier- 2011 Randy Draper- Roanoke, VA

June 7th, 2011- Roanoke- Randy Draper

Work ethic is what works in Premier. Why take your work ethic from one company to another, to see if it works, as it's the same problems you're taking with you.
YOU might be the issue, not Premier.

What do you have in Premier. You must believe in your business, and believe in Premier.
If you only are doing one show a month, then you don't believe in yourself or you are believing what's in the news.
You really believe in Premier, it will change your behavior.

Never been more excited than in Premier right now. It's the same economy that the Draper's got into when they started in the 1980's.
That's what nay-sayers say. They get paid to scare you and the reality is, we are seeing 80% to 90% of people are working.
We're all becoming more financially responsible. We're learning how to budget our money. Things are actually better than what we thought.
It's the perfect time to do Premier!

Do you understand what we have, or have you gotten sucked into the sisterhood of mediacray, Once you get to your goal, you stop working.
You cannot ignore your own business, and you cannot get into the gossip of how bad things are. You cannot become complacent.

Two of the best states right now, are the two that are the most financially hurting. (Ohio and Michigan)

21% of 6 million are between the ages of 18-24. 8% are over 65. (Getting out of coop. America, are retiring and doing this for money.)
Sign up the older generation. Talk to ladies of all ages.

Sponsoring- Adrienne- 6 Diamond- 2011 Regional Rally

Tell your sponsoring from the heart. Tell at the beginning how you got into it.
Your responsiblity is to get them off to a great start. If they aren't doing anything, stop focusing on the ones that won't stay.
Surround yourself with positive people who are working. (Engergy Bus- Jon Gordon)

Joan says, "You are Premier." You are the only person who some ladies come in contact with. Please resprent Premier as well as you can.
Uphold ethics.
Bonuses are a gift from Premier. Only give away when they reach them.
If everyone gave away one unearned bonus per month, it would cost Premier Millions.
Be guniue and God will bless you when you do ethics.
People know what you do and they will come to you.
Have a servant's heart and an attitude of gratitude.
Focus on your hostess and what she wants from that night, and you will intern make some money.

At your table:
Work your table.
Make sure your hostess is your partner.
Need you to stay at the table.
Help them see how valuable a show is, to get free jewerly.

Check out:
"Maybe," on Guest Survey, "Ask, when were you thinking."
"I could have sworn you'd want to get that ensamble for free!"
Just be one of the girls.
Talk about THEM. It's about them. Ask them questions and be more comfortable with them.

Booking Shows using Three FREEdas and Pass or Play- Adrienne- 6 Diamond- 2011 Reginal Training

Two Shows a week.
Take control of your calendar or it will take control of you. Know your avaliable days and what works best for you.
Verbiage, "I work Thurdays and Sundays. Which day works best for you?"

If you have an opening, and no show, during the booking activity, say, "I have a date open next week, if you can have a show,
I'll let you pick out a ring of your choice for half-price (or Free), etc.)"

Always offer something to fill in your date, something special. It keeps your calendar consistant.

Pass or Play: The Three Free-da's
Be Excited!
Signs: (Email Renita for them.)
Have guests read while you hand them boxes:
-Free to Buy
-Free to Shop
-Free to make the bucks

Incentive store:
Pens with my info to pass out : Premier Designs,Maria and Chris Keyes
Your Favorite Jewelry Lady, number and email.
Little Purses- 1.98
Sell the Sizzle
Put in Cupons for 25.00, 50.00, 75.00

Sit down with guest and pass the basket and have them pick out their favorite purses, but don't open (bond with it, pet it, but
don't open it.)

After fashion part, as for helpers: Group Participation.
-Three types of ladies who attend our shows, and they all have the name Free-da
-May I introduce you to Free-to-by and she is free to buy as much jewelry as she'd like. Necklace and Earrings (tell promo.)
-Ask if she's happy.

Take out your order forms and fill out your info. and I'll total it up for you. For payment I prefer cash or checks, but we do
take credit cards.
Make sure to write down your email, as I'll email you when the order is shipped.

Next, please say hello to Free to Shop. She has a long wish list and has asked us to come to her place (Resturant, work place, etc.)
And she will get a TON of free jewelry.Has anyone done homeshows before? You get 10-15% in free product. In Premier, we give 30%
in Free jewelry. Average show is 400.00, so you're getting about 6 items for free. You'll also get 4-8 items half price. How many
would you like? Are you happy? That's not all. You also get: (tell four bonuses). If three of your friends say, "why is she the only one getting
free jewelry?" If you'd look at your Are you Curious Sheet, you'll see that the average show is 400.00.

Remember youor cute little purses, have you bonded? What will you use them for? Change, lipsticks. I would like each of you
to get one to take home. Inside are little gift certificates inside worth 25, 50, and one 100.00. Has anyone watched Deal or No Deal?
I'm going to be Howe, but with hair!

If you want to Deal, you want to keep your purse and get the cupion. Plus, guess what else you get... ME! You get to get free jewerly!
If you keep your purse, you get the FREE stuff for having a show!

Bags, Pashminas, Diva Sunglasses, Tennis bracelt, retired jewelry, etc.

If you want to deal, you'll keep your purse. If not, you put it back, and you won't get to play, get the purse, get the cupion, etc.

Don't let them see you sweat. Have fun.

We're all women, and we have the right to change our mind, and I'll have them at check out (after you see our awesome table)
you can change your mind!

One more friend to introduce you to! Free to make the bucks. Freeda likes the jewelry and likes to get free jewelry, but LOVES to get
a bit of extra money. Some people want to quit their job to stay at home with their kids, others stay at home and want out of the house,
some want to pay off debt, some want to go on vacation. You've decided to become a Premier Jewelry Lady. No quotas, and we make 50%
of what we sell! 600.00 show, and you get 300.00. You're out for 3-4 hours, and that's good money... legally. (Use BIG Money) Average
show is about 500.00, so if you do one show a week, you could make an extra 1000.00 a month! Are you happy?

If you have any questions, even if you don't have a need for extra income, I'm sure we all know someone who can use it.
Info. packets at checkout.
Once a month we have Purse Night! (Give info. at checkout.)

Hostess Coaching and Customer Contact- Adrienne- Six Diamond- 2011 Regional Training

Increase Retail:
Hostess Coaching- Making the contact with the hostess.
Home hostess coaching, building report, seeing the house, etc.

Hostess Coach while on the phone:
-Give them your full attention.
-Ask when a good time is to talk for 15 minutes uninterupted with your folder in front of you?
-Don't go through each thing, talk about the BIG stuff (500.00 show is average, and they're better than average!)
-Emphazise the bonuses, teach them HOW to do it. Help them focus on them.
*Advance orders: Teach them how to do it. Give them verbiage. Pull out the catalog and order forms and tell them how to use them.
*When you give that catalog to someone, put a time limit on it (by this afternoon, by tomorrow, etc.)
*Teach them to open the catalog and show them some pieces that they're excited about, and that all items are actual sizes.
*50.00 pre-sale orders or more get a tennis bracelet.
*Offer hostess an extra bonus (tennis bracelet) if she gets 250.00
*If someone wants to see a catalog and their not local, give us their email and mailing address, and we'll send a catalog
*Make a note of who you mailed them to, so you can ask the hostess, "Did you follow up with... to see what they'd like to order."
*Hostess is your partner and needs to stay at the table. If you're in the kitchen, your friends will be there too.

Keep up with Customers:
-Make them like you.
-Create the need.
-Taught them something (Versatility) (Tandy Flin's site has 12 techniques)
-Gift with Purchase- (Judge your crowd and see what your average customer is spending. Make it attainable.
50.00 purchase, get a polishing cloth, 75.00 get a scarf or clip-it, etc.

-Wrap up:
*Who couldn't be here that wanted to be here?
*Who can you still show the catalog to?
*Go only a week to close the show. Not fair to your customers.
*Incentive to get post-show retail (200.00 equals, etc.)

150-200 pieces is a good number to have on table.

Show Tips-Guest Survey, Tax, Etc- Adrienne- Six Diamond- Regional Training- 2011

GUEST SURVAY: Do a drawing to finish
Look at them or file them (trash or file)
Sample Sale (Have them check it off)
Call me later to do a show (Check Off)
Put these guest survay in June Accordian Folder
Each month look at the Accordian to see who you call.

Tax: Have a clear box for them.
Once a week, enter your reciepts and
Terral Website for Cataloging Tax Reciepts

Replacement/ Exchange Day- One day a week that you do the exchanges.
Clear box to put in replacements in for each week (with folders, etc.

Organizing Your Premier Office and Business- Adrienne- 6 Diamond- Regional Training 2011

Adrienne -Six Diamond- 13 years in Premier-
300 people in her 10-10-10

-Tell people about what you do. Share Premier. It's not about talking them into Premier. Just tell them about how it betters your life.

-Talk to someone and if they say no, ask for permission to call in a few more months. Then call again and if it's no, ask to call again in
a few months. No just means, "Just not now."

-Your superstar is out there for your downline, just don't stop looking. Melissa Terrall was Elizabeth Draper's 33rd jeweler.
-What if you stop Premier, and your superstar is just around the corner.
-Have a teachable spirit and learn from others.
-Work consistantly, not constantly. Have a life and live it, but work your buisness consistantly.
**-Do Two Shows a week and talk to two people a week about the business.**
-Work hard and enjoy the journey.

Spend less time looking for things, and build your business instead.

-Less time cleaening your office and more time building by calling and contacts.

Clear Plastic Bins:
Hostess Packets and everything you need for more hostess packets (all is there)
-Downline Gifts
-Customers folders
-Gift wrap

Hood and House- go to sHOW:

Flow for homeshow folders:
Metal Flow:

-First folder says: Confirmation Letter (Email letter to confirm show.)


"*Make a minela envelop with her date of show and information

-45 DAY FOLLOW UP RACK (Mark on your calendar and call guest to check on jewerly. Just say hi and wanted to touch base to see how your
enjoying your jewerly before the guarentee is up.)

-Done, goes into the FILE BOX

Andy Horner's Speech on Joan and Premier- Philly Rally 2011

Regjoicing in Pain that Joan didn't suffer and is with God.
She stopped working only seven days before passing. The perfect number.
God give us people to help us to become who we are to become. (Friends, family, loved ones, even enemies)
"She was more than my wife, she was my wife and my encourager."

WIR: What is right?
WIB: What is Best?

WWR- We will remember.
Remember your Queen.
Remember to Count it all Joy.
Remember to keep it personal.
We will never forget our Queen Mother and what she meant to us and wonderful she was.

40 thousand people in Premier in January 2011.
42 years in direct sales, with Johnson Wax and Home Interiors.
Created Premier to get mom's back in the home.

Reason for Premier:
1.) So many moms have to work, where we want them to be able to stay at home and work in Premier.
This helps moms get back in the home.
25th anniversary- moms are telling him that they can now stay home and are thanking him for Premier.

2.)Single moms and parents saying there is life after divorce and death. Make money and spend time with your kids.
We want to love them and care for them and support them as single parents.

3.)Part time for school teachers, christian workers, etc.

4.) Missionaries- 63 countries are effected by Premier building schools, hospitals and other needs are provided for.
Helping charities around the world.

Most businesses are all about the profit, and you gotta have profit, but it's not the main focus.
First OP was in Joan and Andy's house.
First OP, no one was interested. First show was about 200.00 and 45 items to sell.
God was in it, and we never gave up.
1990 was the betrayal. It was five years in, and between the management, who left and started a new company and took about half of the people.
STILL, Andy and Joan never gave up. God gave them strength and focus.
It was a struggle, but God took care of them and gave them growth.

God gets all the glory for the ideas for the futures. Greatest opportunities we've ever head. Our country is in a place that has the
greatest needs, and God will use Premier to help meet those needs. We're not looking back, but looking forward into our next 25 years.

Joan's ideas for business.
Keep it Personal.
Count it all for Joy.

Be good to your hostesses, and they'll be yours for life. Share with women that they're worthy and valuable. People don't understand
how worthy and valuable they are. Have self-esteem and confidence to better their lives.

Make a promise and keep it. God will use it for your good.

Be thankful and thank God for what he's doing. Pray A LOT and all of the time.

Our hostess plan and business plan, our philosophy has been with us for 25 years!

Bible was the operational manual for Premier. Joy from the bible- which gives us strength in weaknesses.
IF the bible won't change, as it has for thousands of years, it won't be altered.
TRUTH and INTEGRITY is in our company, as we find in Premier.
We have an educational experience, we teach how to clean your jewelry, where to wear it, how to mix it, we teach.
You'll get smiles and joy. It will be a serving evening.
It's not about what you sell, it's about how much you serve.
There's never a bad show. Messure your show around how many lives you touch, not the money they made.
We have LOVE. Love is magnetic and helps others.
We have HOPE, for ourselves and to give to others.

25 years we've not changed anything. We want you to make money and you can, but we want you to make a life. PLan your
priorites. Relationship with the Lord, your family, then your business. Don't allow this business to cause problems in your family.
We've been on mountain peaks, and in valleys, and we know that God will provided us for the next 25 years.

There is no other company that we know of that has a Queen, and we thought Andy would become King. He didn't want to push for it, but
he thought it would come naturally. However, the Queen was so powerful, we didnt need a queen.

Keep it Personal Devotional by Joan:
Do it daily, as she will talk to us forever with her spirit.
Proverbs 31- A Wife of Noble Character
It had to be right, honest and true. Didn't play games and was always true.
Her husband had full confidance in her. She brings him good, not harm all days of her life.
She opens her arms to the poor, she extends her hands to the needy, to her children, they call her blessed.
Her husband praises her night and day.

Keep it Personal
A huge benefit goes with it. Premier makes it personal. It pulls people into the company, as we care about others.
It means you are a person and you are not an object. We care about you and won't use you.
You can't care about people without them responding. We tell them that we love them and it's what we built this company on.
You have to get it, keep it personal and enrich every life you can touch. Cout it all joy!
Joy is our strength.
Count it all Joy. You can't recapture the past joy, buty you have to make your future joyful.
Don't look back, but look forward.
People need acceptance and want to belong. Help others feel that love and help them realize that they want to become
part of the family of Premier.
Don't worry about making money, but keep it personal and count all joy.
You'll get no's, but don't give up.
Joan and Andy could have given up, when they were betrayed, but God used that difficult time, and made them stronger.

A- Alwayslways Remember that God created you. God gave you all the worth and value you'd ever had. He loves you as you are. When you realize
it, it will change your life and you won't be a nobody. You are all very special, and don't ever forget it.
B- Believe- Attitude determines your work. Believe in God who will help you. Believe in Premier.
C- Confidance in Premier in our leadership and all those in charge.

Golden Guarentee- Illene Kollier- 7 Diamond- Philly Rally 2011

Illene Kollier- 7 Diamond- Ten Years in Premier
Training: Goldern Guareentee

What is the Guareentee- if you are a customer who owns a piece of Premier, and have a piece with a manufacturing defect,

-claps breaks
-magnet doesn't work
-stone falls out
-about 21 defects

Wear or tear- flaking, discoloration, etc. just after 3 months, not after 5 years.
Must take care of our jewelry.

You are not paying for heirloom jewelry so you can't expect heirloom quality. It won't last for you to will it to your grandchildren.

Don't leave it out on a dresser or sink
Purse or shoes in box or bag to keep them clean or dustfree
Change up jewelry to excessoriaze outfit, just like you do with your handbags and shoes.

Wear and tear is expected but not always refundable.
Satisfied customers are our keys to the success of our business.
Have great customer service.

-A typical business only hears from 4% of dissatisfied customers say they're upset. The other 96% don't say anything at all, and
Just never return to the business.
68% quit from an attitude of not caring.
Costmer loyaty is worth more than anything.
Retain a pool of happy customers.

It's tough to resist someone who really wants to help you. You get what you give in life. Sometimes you'll give more and sometimes you'll receive more. You reap what you sow.

Make helping our cusotmers our top priority.
A business is like tennis, those who don't serve well, don't win.

Customers buy for two reasons: Good feeling and to solve problems.
They don't buy jewelry, but confidence and a look.
People spend money when and where they feel good.
Put yourself in a happy state and have a great attitude. If you don't feel happy, you have to fake it. Attitude is contagious.

Customers should feel good everytime they feel good about themselves. You might be the only Premier they only know.
Customers judge how you deliver what you promise and how you solve problems like broken jewelry.

Be relieable and do what you say you'll do, do it when you say you will, and do it with excellence.
Do what you say you will with credit. They want piece of mind and they will return to people who sincerely want to help us.
Have a great attitude, and approach problem with a sincere attitude.

How long they've had the piece, how they have taken care of it. Help the customer, even if you didn't sell it.
Customers don't want to be drilled with questions like: Who was the jeweler, what did she look like?
She's mostly upset about the jewelry broke, and if you help her, she'll come to you to buy again.

Be assessiable. Keep them informed and do the service as soon as possible.
Return calls within 24 hours.
Be empathatic. Put your customer first.
Apologize for the problem and rassure them that you understand them and want to help them.

Use the returns as an opportunity to serve your customers.
CUstomer service makes the difference!