Saturday, November 6, 2010

Investing in your downline and helping it grow- Julie Miller -Silver Excutive Director- July 2010 National Rally

Julie Miller -Silver Excutive Director- Houston, TX- Investing in your Downline
Do:- Go to Premier Website and go to Her Training to get ALL the paperwork to give out and follow

Things that are making a difference for our new jewelers. - Work closely, training them, encourage them, stay in close contact with them.

We cannot do the work for our new jewelers. However we can help set their visions and expectations of how they do things to develope a business to meet their needs and feel successful.

For too many years we would sponsor years, sometimes making quick start, then hardly had enough shows on their calendar to keep going. Or they'd get excited and pull too many ideas from everywhere and ended up frustrated.

If a woman doesn't feel good about something, they will not keep doing it. It's the emotional side of us. They will pull back and start coasting.

So, starat focusing on duplicaable systems to keep the jewelers on track and an easy way to help them have everything they need.

Number One Priority
-Keep it simple
-Start a new Jeweler Folder- Breaks down the key things a new jeweler needs to do along with incives, show layout, and upline contacts.
-Jeweler Resources, Business Forms, Optional New Jeweler folder

New System to help ALL Jewelers Checklist to Train a new jeweler for success:
-Any new or old jeweler will use this, and will have an outstanding foundation for success.
-It makes it easy for Sponsoring Jewelers to be able to tell a new jeweler how to do it. Everything you need is right here, it's all done for you.
-Many jewelers start sponosing right away due to this Training Timeline. There is no fear or guess work.

Key Step in helping to build a Premier Family- Set realistic expectations for the Effort and Vision needed for Success.

No business venture will work unless you are determined to be successful. Help them stay focused to find success.

Phrasees to use during One-on-Ones: Help them manage their expectitions to have their mind set for success.
* This business works if you work. This is not a life or death decision. If you get in and don't like it, you have all this jewelry. However, we all know tha tno business will not work without you working.

Things happen and it's not going to be perfect or always easy, but it's an awesome business to make friends.

No business anywhere will work if you dono't work. One thing I love about Premier is that you set your own goals and work a tyour own pase, but you still have to wo
rk. I'm there to help you along the way.

Go to Premier Website and find this for New Jewelers under her Training:

Five Sections:
Session One:
-Get contract signed and take to mail out to Premier
-Give her the new Jeweler Folder- focus on these for success- Mark on her calendar Rally and Reginal Conferences- Teach the Heart of Premier- Not about her but about enriching lives

My goal is to break down her training, into managable chunks for her to do own her own. Make it duplicalbe.

Have 6-9 shows on your calendar BEFORE your training show. -- Lots of conversations on the phone about booking shows and encouraging
See: Penny Lacy's verbage for booking shows on the phone for Training Show

Before Training Show: Go over objections to learn how to get shows and one-on-ones

Get her started on entering her shows on the computer and introduce her to Premier Website

Differences at a Training Show-
-Introduce the show differently. Tell them how much you are so excited that they are there and that tonight I'll be teaching her how to do a Jewelry Show and To introduce the business.
Three things you can do: 1.) Buy Jewelry 2.) Book a show 3.) Sign up for a One-on-One

Do the show like normal

Booking activities- biggest ways to help her

Sponsoring Activity: I'm here to teach her how to sell the retail and how to share the business. Premier doesn't advertise, so since you are her friends and family, you will be her referal
center. You can send her referals. Do Ask It Basket- Then ask for 3-4 people who woiuld be willing to sit through a one-on-one to learn about the business. We have a gift for you, info. packet, with 25.00
in Free Jewelry so she can learn how to do that. Book a date tonight, and you're going to get this crystal bracelet. New Jewelers begin sponsoring immediately.

Help them set the vision of what they can become in Premier.

*****Design your dreams Flyer.- List out the benefits of becoming a Designer.- Put in New Jeweler Folder

Four Printable Sheets on Premier Website;
-Time LIne
-Training Show Verbage
-Desing your Dream Flyers

Set Realistic and high expectations for them. Help them reach their goals and succeed!
Have a duplicable system that works
Spend lots of time together with them at the start
Share the propsect right from the start
Set the vision for what they can become in Premier.

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